Chapter 44

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Three years later.

Clock ticking as time passes by so quickly. The faster the world moves the more I feel nauseous of the fact that it had been three years since the last time I feel complete.

I flipped the pen on my fingers simultaneously, hoping that it would somehow help me to ease the overwhelming uncertainty inside my head. I massaged my temple and released a deep sigh while tapping the heels of my foot on the carpeted floor inside this huge conference room.

My ass felt burned on this swivel chair as I sat here for almost 5 hours now watching everyone exchange conversations as I also remained silent observing and listening tentatively so I just swayed myself back and forth into this familiar chair like a child eager to escape in a boring class discussion.

I rolled my eyes. This has been my routine since I graduated from A-Horizon University and took over our company right away as my Dad has retired.

Good news about my graduation, I've been lucky to be the summa cum laude in our batch, other than that, nanalo pa ako ng house and lot sa pustahan namin which Bridgette bought for me and it's already coming to life. The construction and finishing touches will be finished this week and I couldn't help but to grin at my best friend's face the moment they announced the good news to me, though, she was the magna cum laude so it's still a good news for the both of us. I just can't help thinking about that time, how her face showed defeat. It's very funny.

The bad news is...she wasn't there for me. She wasn't there to witness my achievement. She wasn't there to celebrate my victory and even on special occasions like Birthdays, Christmas and New Years she wasn't there and it punched a hole inside my heart bigger than I expected. It's very sad.

My life now only revolves in corporate meetings, signing and reviewing paperwork, monitoring shares, stocks, assets, expenses, and other financial entities while also handling people. I don't know if that's what you called life at all. I'm so exhausted and I have no one to share this exhaustion with.

"...Our team believes that being part of your corporation will help us grow more effectively since we are still a start up business and we hope that what we have presented earlier would be a great consideration to the pursuit of becoming one of your assets in this company. Thank you for carefully listening to us." Said the man in his suit who was standing at the front beside the projector. He was the presenter but he wasn't that confident while presenting. He keeps on fixing his tie while talking to us yet he can't even looked at me straight in the eyes. Obviously, he doesn't want to be roasted by questions by me, the owner of XYZ Corporation and I'm not planning to because their purpose doesn't fit to our values and additionally, he fucked up in deliverance. I don't like it.

"What do you think? Their products are nice, it can be a big hit if we continue this." Julia said, one of the investors who was with us in this meeting.

"I don't think so, it wasn't that beneficial." Lewis intervened. Yes, he was also here as he is also one of the investors and shareholders of my company.

"What do you mean not beneficial? They've discussed the main purpose of their products." Ben fought back which caused murmurs around the conference room with some of the people included in the meeting.

I rolled my eyes again before deciding to speak. Masakit na ang ulo ko.

"Okay, everyone!" I said in a much higher voice to stop them from murmuring like buzzing bees.

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