Spooking the Puppy

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I do not own KDA LoL or anything referenced.

-Grey POV-

I sigh as I walk through town bored as hell. Work was called off due to the possibility of rain. "This shit fucking sucks." I groan out and I get a call from my sister. "Sup bitch?" I ask and she laughs softly.

"When are you going to grow up Big Brother?" She asks and I scoff.

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you twenty-four, single, but own your own home?" I ask and she groans loudly.

"No. But I'm in a healthy relationship and live with our parents. Who miss you dearly and wish you'd call more." She says and I sigh softly.

"I know Caroline." I say and she huffs.

"Well do you want to meet me for lunch?" She asks and I chuckle.

"Yeah. Tell me where to go." I say and she cheers.

"Let's go to that sandwich place you always go to." She says and I smile.

"Gotcha. I'll meet you there." I say and hang up. I look around and pull my skateboard out of my backpack. As I go to get on it a blacked out SUV pulls up next to me.

"Hey Kid you need a ride?" The man asks and I look at him weirdly.

"Nah man and I'm not a kid." I say and the man chuckles.

"Kid I'm old enough to be your Dad." He says and I give him a weird look. "Come on and let us give you a ride." He says and I shake my head.

"Uh. No thanks guys." I say and back away from the car a bit. The man gives me a look and I scoff before giving him the finger.

"You little bastard!" He says and opens his door. As he gets out I take off on my skateboard which shocks him for a second.

"You're not going to catch me slipping you fucking Poachers!" I yell and jump into the bed of a familiar truck.

"Grey?!" Austin asks and I chuckle before leaning over the edge.

"Sup bro? Could you drop me off by my sub place?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Why couldn't you just continue to skate there?" He asks and I point behind us.

"Poachers. They were trying to take me in broad daylight." I say and he nods before speeding up.

"Bro and they wonder why the Vastayan don't trust humans! I bet not a single person tried to help you!" He says angrily and I chuckle.

"Don't worry about it Bro! We Vastayan find our small group of people and make them a part of the pack."

-Evelynn POV-

I walk up to Grey's house with a smirk as Omega and Shadow are with me. "This is the place?" Shadow asks and easily bypasses the security.

"Oh yes." I say and see the old and rusty frame of the muscle car. "Mmm an 02 Cobra." I say and walk up to it.

" I say and walk up to it

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