Chapter 70: Milim's New Evolution

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A/N: Hello everyone. I apologize for not posting this chapter yesterday, but there were some reasons. Well, here's the chapter now, so please enjoy.

As the fight across the world was coming to an end, many things had happened. The first was the eradication of all the elite of Rimu. The last of the elite to fall was on the Barren Lands, taken down by the combined might of Draguel and Deeno. Even though it was an intense battle, Draguel and Deeno still prevailed.

Another development was the near eradication of the angels invading Earth. With all the top forces of Earth joining hands, the angels, who had pretty much lost their leaders, were easily finished off.

Inside the Jura Tempest Federation, in the sky near the city of Rimuru, Guy Crimson, Velgrynd, Carrera, Velzard, Benimaru, and Chloe were floating in the air.

Guy brought down his hand and sighed, "It is no use, it is sealed tight."

"I guess neither of them wants anyone to interfere with their fight, which is why they sealed off the space," Velgrynd said.

"You may be right on that. Knowing Milim's personality, she must have really wanted to be the one to defeat her evil counterpart," Velzard said.

"I guess all we can do now is wait for her to be done," Chloe said.

"By the way, where is Rimuru?" Guy asked.

After coming all the way here, Guy was expecting to here from Rimuru, but he hasn't heard from him which was strange considering he and the others were in his country.

"He has sealed off the entrance to the control room of the Labyrinth. I guess he is undergoing some kind of evolution and would not want to be disturbed," Benimaru explained.

"That's good. Even though we have almost wiped out all the angels, it means nothing if Rimu takes to battle," Guy said.

"Tell me something, what are the chances of victory if you, Velgrynd, and Carrera team up against Rimu?" Chloe asked Guy.

Guy blinked at the question before answering, "We wouldn't stand a chance. We could maybe unleash some power on her, but it won't matter since she is way beyond us."

Velgrynd and Carrera nodded at that, making Benimaru and Chloe understand the severity of Rimu's powers.

"This is referring to if Rimu is still a True Deity. If she has regained her original power and becomes a Supreme Deity, I fear that only Rimuru can stop her then," Velgrynd said.

This news greatly shocked Benimaru and Chloe, but they didn't show it. In a situation like this, worrying won't make a difference at all. They can only do the best they can and leave the rest to fate.

Transcendent Realm

In the boundless expanse that transcends all dimensions, the fabric of reality trembled as two opposing forces faced off, each embodying the near-omnipotent power of a deity.

The radiant and benevolent Milim Nava, known for her vibrant pink hair and infectious laughter, stood resolute, her iridescent eyes shimmering with determination. Opposite her, a malevolent version of herself emanating darkness and chaos sneered with contempt, the embodiment of an evil that sought to shatter the very essence of existence.

"I won't let you capture me or tarnish the world created by my father!" proclaimed Milim, her voice echoing through the infinite void.

The Dark Milim spoke, her voice reverberating with malice. "I'll crush you and this pathetic reality and rebuild it for my master! Surrender and save yourself the pain I will deliver."

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