Chapter 32: The Truth About Rimu Tempest

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A huge portal was opened in the sky and Rimuru carrying Milim, entered through the portal and arrived at the still frozen world. He looked around at the frozen world and sighed

"She could have at least cancelled her Time Stop powers before she left" Rimuru lamented

"Nothing we can about it" Milim said to him "So, can you break it?"

"It took me a while but I've analysed this skill. So yeah, I can break it now" Rimuru answered her

'But doesn't the Time Stop skill consume a massive amount of the caster's Magicules the longer it is kept active?' Rimuru thought to himself

<<The answer to that is simple. Master's powers are infinite, so is more than likely that her powers are infinite as well>>

"Well that explains a lot. O well! Time to cancel this skill" Rimuru said

He raised his hand and released a small Magicule which canceled the Time Stop. Time began to move again after Rimuru dispelled the skill.

Immediately after time resumed back to normal, Rimuru heard a huge commotion coming from the city. He carried Milim and flew into the city. When he arrived, he saw that everyone was on edge.

Shuna was the first to sport him and she rushed to his side "Lord Rimuru! Are you ok?"

The other monsters and Paladins turned around and saw Rimuru walking up to them while carrying Milim. The all kneeled down when Rimuru reached them. Rimuru walked up to the front of his and Milim statue and addressed his people. He released Milim who went and stood by his side.

Rimuru began to address his people "A huge threat was unleashed upon us, but it has been taken care of for now. I will brief my executives on what happened tomorrow but for now, I want all of you to strengthen the defences in the Jura Forest. Do not leave a single place unchecked"

"YES LORD RIMURU!!!" Everyone shouted.

Rimuru nodded and began to walk back to the direction of his castle with Milim by his side. He reached his castle and saw Benimaru, Carrera, Ultima, Veldora, Hinata, Luminus and the five Paladins at the entrance.

They all rushed to Rimuru the moment they saw him.

"Lord Rimuru! I'm so glad you are safe" Benimaru said to him

"Yeah Milord! I shouldn't worry about you with how strong you are, but your opponent made me feel a bit worried for you" Carrera said

Rimuru looked at her with a deadpanned expression "Just a bit huh!?"

Carrera understanding that she was in trouble because she said something stupid, fell to her knees and bowed with her face on the ground "P-pl-please master! I mean no disrespect. I was simply confident that you will triumph against any foe, even if that foe is yourself. I'm sorry!!!"

Ultima smiled from seeing the proud Carrera like this "If you want master, I can discipline her for you"

Carrera was grinding her teeth in rage and whispering "you will pay for this Ultima" to herself, but she didn't move from her spot.

Rimuru smiled at seeing their antiques "They is no need to punish her Ultima because Carrera didn't do anything wrong. Carrera is just showing how much she trusts me in her own way"

"Really master! You'll forgive me?" Carrera asked with hope

"Like I said, there is nothing to forgive you from. So get up please" Rimuru told her.

Carrera stood up and beamed, while Ultima pouted from not being able to punish Carrera.

The other paladins could not believe that those powerful demons where reduced to this. They all truly feared and respected Rimuru more for his great achievement and being able to tame this two powerful primordial demon.

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