Chapter 66: Conclusion oF The Battle At The Holy Empire Of Lubelius

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A/N: Hello everyone, I bring you all a new chapter. This chapter is very long and I considered dividing it to two parts, but I just went along with making it one chapter. I will just say that I have no idea the powers of Hinata's ultimate skill and I just made up some powers for her ultimate skill to match her recent evolution in this story. Read and enjoy.

As the war raged on, the battle in the holy city of the Holy Empire Of Lubelius seemed to be coming to an end. Within the city of the Holy Empire Of Lubelius, the fighting seemed to have concluded, and the surviving Knights were recovering from the battle.

Saare was seated on a rock platform, overlooking the destruction of the once-beautiful kingdom of Lubelius. He sighed and looked up to the sky in sadness.

Ranard Jester, who was by his side, gave him an understanding look. "What seems to be on your mind?"

Saare looked back to the kingdom below from where he sat. "I just can't believe we managed to survive. How many casualties do we have?"

"Well, more than two hundred thousand knights died. About fifty thousand are heavily injured, and more than half of the civilians died in the crossfire of the battle. Among the elite holy knights, you and I are the only survivors," Ranard Jester told him.

Saare looked down at the ground in sorrow. "I can't believe how arrogant I have been in the past, thinking I can face an awakened demon lord in battle. Facing those many angels whose strength rivals a demon lord showed me just how pathetic my power is. If only I was strong enough, then we wouldn't have had so many innocents die."

"You are right about that. If not for Lady Hinata's timely arrival, we all, along with this kingdom, would have been wiped out," Ranard Jester said to him.

Just then, a world-destroying shockwave came out of the sky and hit the holy city of Lubelius, but it was intercepted by a multilayer barrier around the entire Kingdom. The shockwave continued to hit the barrier for some minutes, but it stopped.

Saare looked up again and couldn't help but marvel at the battle happening way above in the sky of the holy city of Lubelius. "Just how did Hinata get this strong?"

"Who knows? She must have met with her own opportunity during this war," Ranard Jester said while also looking at the sky.

"I always thought that with enough training I could eventually catch up to Hinata's power. But now, I will never catch up to her in this lifetime. She has become a god, leaving us mortals behind," Saare said with a faraway look.

"It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that she is protecting us from the power of that elite. We can only watch her battle and hope for the best," Ranard Jester said.

In The Sky Of Lubelius

High above the sacred lands of the Holy Empire of Lubelius, the heavens bore witness to an unprecedented clash of monumental forces. The air crackled with intense energy as the elite of Rimu, Sayuri, confronted three formidable adversaries in a tumultuous aerial battle that transcended the constraints of time and space.

Hinata, recently ascended to the esteemed rank of a True Hero, exuded an aura resonating with power on par with the True Dragons. Her newfound evolution had granted her abilities to counter and parry Sayuri's formidable assaults, marking her as a force to be reckoned with.

Beside her soared Shion, her Gourikimaru gleaming with the brilliance of a True Dragon's strength. With unwavering resolve, she met Sayuri's chaotic onslaught head-on, her blade carving through the tempestuous energy that threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality.

At a distance, Shuna, her presence a beacon of formidable might, channeled devastating nuclear magic that bombarded Sayuri with cataclysmic force. Each explosion sent shockwaves cascading through the sky, threatening to shake the foundations of the multiverse itself.

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