Chapter 5: Everyone's Reaction

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As Rimuru and Veldora were returning to the city, they saw a huge crowd gathered in the town's square. All the monsters where kneeling down on their knees and where bowing to him.

"Rimuru-sama, we congratulate you on your victory over the storm Dragon Veldora" the crowd's shouted together

Rimuru and Veldora both had a look of shock on their face as they watched the crowd of monsters still kneeling.

"Guy's! How do you know that I fought Veldora?" Rimuru asked

Benimaru stepped up to Rimuru and Veldora "allow me to explain lord Rimuru. We were preparing for the celebration like you ordered when all of a sudden, we sensed a huge amount of mana"


The town's people of Rimuru were in high spirit because their master ordered them to prepare a feast. They were all planning to make it a grand feast because it will be used to celebrate their master who has successfully awakened to a demon lord. As they were all preparing for the feast, a huge surge of mana came out of nowhere and descended on the town. Everyone in the town felt it and they all fell to their knees due to how overwhelming the mana is. The mana was pushing everyone to their Knees with only Benimaru, Shion, Diablo, Geld and Soei standing. Everyone was afraid because the mana is bigger than anything they have ever felt before in their lives.

"What is this power?" Benimaru shouted with a scared look

"It came out of no where" Shuna said still on her knees

"This seems to be the power of a true dragon. It seems one is here" Diablo said

Everyone gasps when they heard what Diablo said. What could a true dragon be doing here is what everyone was thinking.

"We must inform lord Rimuru at once! Where is he?" Benimaru shouted

"We don't no where he is. He said he would return after he took care of something" Ranga responded to Benimaru

"We must find him quickly. The power seems to be growing stronger" Shion said

Just then, Alvis and Suphia of the beastketeers ran to the town square where everyone is. They both had a frightened look in their face

"What's going on everyone?" Alvis asked in haste

"We don't know but we need Lord Rimuru here. Do you guy know where he is?" Benimaru asked them

"We haven't seen him but I can sniff him out if we had anything he recently touched" Suphia said in a panicked voice

"That will help. We must begin the search immediately" Benimaru quickly said

A bright light appeared in front of everyone which put everyone on guard. The light died down to reveal Treyni.

"We have a problem everyone" Treyni said to the crowd

"If it is about the huge mana, then as you can see, we are aware" Shion said to her

"Yes it is. It seems that Veldora the storm dragon has been revived and Rimuru Tempest is fighting him as we speak" Treyni said with a panicked voice

Every citizen gasps at the news. No one could believe that Veldora has been revived and to make matters worse, their precious lord is fighting him.

"What are we standing around for?! We must go and assist lord Rimuru at once!" Benimaru shouted

"Only those who can withstand this magic should go while the rest should remain here" Diablo said to Benimaru

Benimaru looked at him and nodded "you are right. Those who can stand, follow me. The rest, stay here and guard the town"

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