Chapter 31: Rimuru Tempest Vs Rimu Tempest

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As both of them clashed with eachother, both of them began to exchange slashes at a very fast pace. Rimuru slashed at Rimu but she deflected it with her fan, before she counter attacked which Rimuru will block. Their movement were a blur to those who are trying to watch the fight.

Rimuru sensed that their fight will destroy his castle and immediately jumped back and disappeared using space shift.

Rimu was at first surprised but she smiled and disappeared also, leaving everyone else in the room in a state of shock and confusion.

Luminus turned to Milim and asked "What happened? The sound just stopped. I couldn't see because they were too fast for me to see"

Milim stood up and changed her outfit to her normal attire "Rimuru didn't want to destroy his castle while he fights that other female version of himself. He teleported outside the city, by the side of the exit of the Jura Forest"

Benimaru looked at the others "We must go and assist our lord in this fight"

Carrera looked at Benimaru like he was crazy "Do you seriously think that any of us can fight on our master's level? She may be a different person, but she is still Lord Rimuru. Which means, she is just as strong as our master"

"But we can't let lord Rimuru fight her alone, can we!?" Shion asked with an angry voice

"Shion is right. We can't stand here and do nothing while lord Rimuru fights her alone" Ultima said

Hinata looked at the monsters as they were debating "Do you think any of you will stand a chance against this person? She has the exact same powers as Rimuru, you know"

"That maybe true, but we have to try at least" Rigurd said

Milim sighed and looked at everyone in the room "All of you should shut up!"

Everyone in the room became quiet after Milim said that. They all knew not to anger Milim at this moment because she is the most worried of them all right now.

"None of you can fight her because as much as I don't want to admit it, She is powerful, even more than I am. Only Rimuru can face her now. If you guys go now, you will only be a burden to Rimuru"

All of Rimuru's subordinates looked down in frustration because what Milim said is true. In short, they were all weak.

Milim smiled "Do not fret. I will go and give Rimuru the support he needs"

Benimaru was the first to react "No lady Milim! If anything happens to you, lord Rimuru will be very upset"

"Muhahahahahaha... Don't worry so much Benimaru. I won't lose that easily and besides, I want to ask her somethings about what she said earlier about me" Milim told them with confidence.

The others nodded their head at Milim. Milim smiled and took off to the direction of where Rimuru is.

Benimaru turned back to the others "We may not be able to fight but we can at least be there if lord Rimuru needs us"

"YEAH!" the other Subordinates of Rimuru shouted together before they all ran out of the room leaving just Benimaru with Luminus and the paladins.

"What will you do now?" Benimaru asked Luminus

Luminus stood up "I will go and watch this battle between those two"

"I will accompany you Lady Luminus" Hinata said

"I will follow you as well my lady" Louis said

Hinata turned to the other paladins and asked them to stay here unless they want to die a second time which they all agreed without question.

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