"Dark king Raeleigh!?" the pirates shouted at the sight of the old man before asking him several questions on how he had gotten there.

"Oi! Come on! We have to go!" their captain, the man that Ana remembered from the Archipelago shouted to his men.

"But captaaaain" two of them and the giant polar bear whined.

"I said we have to go. The amazons can only be so accommodating" Law repeated before he turned to Anamaria, staring for a while before telling her that Luffy needed to rest for at least two months or he risked reopening his wounds.

 The amazons can only be so accommodating" Law repeated before he turned to Anamaria, staring for a while before telling her that Luffy needed to rest for at least two months or he risked reopening his wounds

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He's just so...!😍😍

Ana sweat dropped as the men continued whining all the way back to their weird ship that could go underwater, waving goodbye to her while their captain dragged them away. Sighing, Ana waited until she heard the oncoming footsteps and turned her head.

"Luffy. You're back" Ana said once she saw Jinbei appear with her captain on his back.

"Ana. I'm sorry!" the boy was about to cry again when he noticed Raeliegh there "Oh. Old man Raeliegh! I was just going to go back to the Archipelago to find you!"

"Ah, StrawHat. Hello" Raeliegh replied as he wiped his glasses dry.

"And not a single 'hi' to Ana" the woman muttered under her breath.

"Did you see the others?" Luffy asked the man.

"They haven't arrived yet" Raeliegh responded "I gave Shakky my 'vivre card'. I couldn't have travelled calmly if not so"

"Are you really dark king Raeliegh?" Jinbei asked the man "I wasn't expecting to meet you here"

"Are you the ex-Warlord?"

"He's Jinbei, he saved my life" Luffy said as he jumped down from the fishman's back.

"I can't believe a legend like him is in front of me right now" Jinbei muttered as he remained frozen.

"He ain't that great" Anamaria mumbled under her breath as the man handed Luffy back his hat. Luffy thanked him and stared at his straw hat fondly.

"Where are the pirates that were here?" Jinbei asked them.

"They left not too long ago with their captn'" Ana responded "'E said that you have to rest for at least two months cap, so make sure ya do that"

Boa came to them followed by two huge women and an older one, they welcomed Raeliegh warmly while Boa called out to Luffy.

"Ya know this old man?" Ana asked, still a bit begrudging since he hadn't even said hi to her.

"Oh don't be like that young lady" Raeliegh ruffled the top of her hair making her swat his hand away.

She fumed while watching Jinbei and Luffy eat their fill of the huge pile of food that Boa and the other amazons had brought them. She patted Luffy on his back to make sure he didn't choke as he continued to completely guzzle down the food as if he were drinking it.

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