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When Amy regained consciousness she realized that a figure cloaked in a white robe was leaning over her, grasping her hand. Then after he pulled Amy to her feet, she saw the face of her father. He just stood there, smiling at her.

"Are....is it really you father?" Amy said, choking with emotion.

Barley had Amy said this before the man took her into his arms.

"My little girl," the man said as he held his daughter tightly.

"Daddy," was all Amy could manage to say as tears flowed steadily down her cheeks.

"Let me take another look at you," the man said as he stepped back a little while still holding his daughter by the shoulders. He smiled. "Your as beautiful as your mother."

"Where are we? Where is mother? Aren't you..well...."

"Dead, yes, but you have come to gain knowledge and power from the last light have you not?"

"Yes, I think so."

"I have been sent to grant it to you, but first, you must vow never to use it for corrupt purposes, for if you do, the light will leave you."

"I promise father," Amy said strongly as she wiped away her tears, which she immediately realized were normal.

Amy's father noticed this. "You are not a vampire. Not here at least," he said sadly. "I'm truly sorry that such a terrible thing should happen to you."

"Wait, how did you know?"

"When I looked into your eyes, I saw, in an instant, everything that had happened in your past since the day I was taken away from you, given that you remembered it of course."

"So, you can read memories? Oh, I guess that's because you're...."

"You will learn to do it as well, and to answer your questions from earlier we are inside the evil staff in which Overlord possesses. The Darkstaff contains the life force of all that where killed by it. I was selected to come and grant you our collective knowledge. With it, you will be able to use the powers of your..our bloodline to its fullest potential, but be warned, you must guard yourself from the temptation to misuse it."

"I will."

"Are you ready then?"

"Yes, Father. I'm ready."

"Good, but I must warn you, once the process starts, neither one of us will be able to control it. Aside from gaining knowledge of how to use your power, you may see things of the past, things that might test you, but no matter what you see, you must be able to forgive and move on if you are to gain the blessing of the ancients."

Having said this, the man held out his hands, and as Amy placed her hands in his, she heard these last words. "I'm so very proud of you my daughter, and I have faith that we will meet again."


Suddenly, Amy was taken away into what appeared to be a vision of the past. She saw a dark fortress on a dark world. Then, she was inside the fortress. Amy saw, in a dark chamber in the fortresses evil halls, a cloaked figure chanting something that she couldn't understand. The figure knelt before some kind of statute or idol. It had the appearance of a mighty soldier, but in its hand, it held no sword, in its place there was a staff, not unlike the one that had caused her so much pain and sorrow. Suddenly at the climax of the evil figure's chanting, the statue crumbled and a glowing red sphere came forward from its place. As the cloaked figure's chantings continued, the sphere took a physical form and united with the staff.

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