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                 RISE AND FIGHT PART ONE


Max stared at Amy with both excitement and concern.

"Powers? What kind of powers?" asked Max.

"Well," Amy began. "I can do a few different things using my mind. The reason I never wanted to tell anyone was because I've always been afraid that you or other people would think that I'm weird or different, and that because I'm different, people wouldn't like me."

"Amy, I would have to be crazy not to like you, because if I didn't, then I would've sadly missed out on knowing a very special person. Now, go ahead and show me what you can do."

"Okay Max," Amy said as she got up and stood to the side of the glass coffee table that sat in front of the couch. "I haven't ever really shown anyone this before and I'm kind of nervous, so...."

"Amy, you don't have to be nervous," Max chuckled. "It's just me."

"Okay, see that TV remote?"


"Good, then watch this," Amy said as she closed her eyes and began to concentrate.

Suddenly, to Max's amazement, the remote started to hover in the air and then floated in his direction. When the remote was hovering over Max's lap, he reached out and gently grabbed it. "Amy, this is really cool!"

"That's not all," Amy said excitedly, as she began to stare Max in the eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Just look at the remote, Max"


Max looked at the remote and was again amazed when it slowly disappeared.

"Amy, how did you learn to do that?"

"When I was about seven years old," Amy began as she made the remote reappear, "my father told me about the powers that we both had and showed me a few things that I could do with them, but he told me never to show anyone my power or even talk about it. Though, he encouraged me to use my abilities at home.

"I didn't have any brothers or sisters, so we didn't have to worry about anyone finding out unless I said something."

"So did you ever tell anyone?" Max asked.

"No, I never even dreamed of it. It was my family's secret, and my father trusted me never to tell anyone. I was very proud of our little secret, but there was a time that people almost found out that I was different."

"Oh, how?"

"You know that I've already told you that my parents died in a house fire while I was at school and I came to America to live with my aunt."


"Well, I was about twelve at the time, and I was really sad and scared. Everything was so new to me and I didn't feel like I belonged, but my aunt was very kind to me. She made me feel at home here, and I found something to do that took my mind off of my sadness and loneliness. I started taking dance classes. I really enjoyed dancing."

"Then why did you stop?" Max asked."

"I didn't stop because I didn't like it any more. I still really enjoy dancing. In my class, I learned very quickly. Also, while I was practicing and performing, I could easily feel my power flowing through me which is quite possibly how I got so good.

"The reason I stopped was because during an on stage performance where I was supposed to jump and spin in the air, but I somehow stayed in the air twice as long as I should have."

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