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I woke up earlier than usual today. I usually loved to sleep in especially during the holidays. I'm practically annoyed at myself for waking myself up so early. The sun hasn't even risen yet. And yet here I was. I yawned and got out of bed, putting my crocs on. It's been a few months since I returned home from Hogwarts, and summer vacation was almost over. I would be going back to Hogwarts in a week. 

I decided since I was already awake, it would be prompt to get the hell out of bed and actually do something worthwhile or productive. But I'll probably do nothing genuinely productive and end up eating like a pig and sleeping all day. That's the best way to spend your holidays. Argue with the wall. 

I walked downstairs and stopped mid-track on the stairs. I heard voices. Familiar voices. I stopped to listen to the voices in hope to recognize who they belong to. My brows creased in concentration. I could hear the voices of Alastor Moody, Remmy, Dora and Reggie. Moody doesn't come to visit very often unless it was really important.

I walked closer to the door to be able to hear what they were saying. "We can't send her to Hogwarts this year..." The voice belonged to one our teachers at Hogwarts. Severus Snape. His voice trailed off into a more silent tone. Who were they talking about? Me? Why not?

Remus chimed in with a more aggressive tone than usual while Regulus tried to calm him down with the help of Dora. Snape stayed silent. I walked closer to the door and knocked on it. I heard a bit of chaos happening in there and then someone opened the door.

"Hey, Angel. Had a nice sleep?" Dora asked as she stood afront the door. The room was empty besides the presence of Remus, Nymphadora and Regulus. Regulus gave me a look that felt like it could see right through me



"Yes, Angel?" She responnded.

"I'm going to Hogwarts this year, right?" I asked, just to clear up the confusion.

"Yes, of course you will. Why would you think otherwise?" She smiled innocently. Her smile so pure it almost made me doubt what I had heard this morning.

"Just asking." I shrugged.

We were both broken (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now