9~The Seeker and The Keeper

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"Harry wait here. Y/n follow me." She took you to a place where you were really familiar as your potions classroom. "Professor Snape, excuse me. You asked for Y/n Potter?" She said.

"Yes. Yes I did. Flint follow me. Now if anyone does anything silly while I'm gone Rosier. Inform me." Snape said as he and another boy came towards you. "'course professor" Felix said.

Snape closed the door behind him as the boy came. "I'll take my leave here." Professor McGonagall said. Professor Snape nodded. As Professor McGonagall left the atmosphere became eerie and creepy.

"You wanted to see me Professor.?" I asked as I was shaking. Was I really going to be expelled on my second day?

"Yes. I heard about your amazing performance at the field. And, as our quidditch team has no keeper. I was wondering if you would be up for the position?"

Your jaw dropped to the floor. "I thought first years weren't-"

"Professor Snape you must be out of your mind! She's- There's no way in hell that she'll be on the team. For starters she's a girl and a child-"

"SHE IS on the team Mr. Flint. End. of. discussion. So, Ms. Potter, are you up for it?" Snape asked with a smile. "I would love to be on the team but- I haven't got a broom Professor." I said. I did have a Comet 260 at home but that was a horrible broom now. Its all crusty and old.

"That won't be a problem to solve. So I assume you're on the team than. Come on Mr. Flint. You have a class to continue" Snape said and with that he left. Flint's glare was shooting daggers at you as he left.

You could scream out of joy right now. All you remember now is that you were smiling as you went back up to the top.


"Have you heard that Harry Potter is the new Gryffindor seeker? And that Y/m Potter is the new Slytherin Keeper? I always knew they'd do well." A ghost gossiping was something I never imagined. Not even in my wildest dreams.

"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice yell behind you. "Is.. Is it..-" Draco said as he ran to you breathlessly. "Woah, woah. Catch your breath first. Alright." He nodded as he fixed his breathing and started. "Is it true you're Slytherin Keeper?" I smiled and nodded. "Thank me later- Ow!"

You two bumped into Harry and Ron. "Congrats Y/n!" Ron said completely ignoring the presence of Draco. "I'll leave you three." He said as he left. "First years never make the house teams!" Ron squealed as you three were walking. "You must be the youngest Quidditch player in-"

"A century. According to McGonagall." Harry Interrupted Ron. "Snape said that too." You felt a hand on your shoulder. "Well done Potters! Wood's just told us!" The twin on Harry's side said. "Fred and George are on the Gryffindor team too. Beaters." Said Ron. His voice a mixture of dullness and excitement. "Our job is to make sure that YOU. Don't get bloodied up too bad!" The twin on your side said pointing to you and Harry.

"Can't make any promises, of course" The twin on Harry's side said eyeing you. "Yeah, Rough game Quidditch."  


Now they're just over exaggerating. Quidditch isn't that hard nor is it too brutal. "But, no one's died in years. Someone will vanish occasionally!" You three were now in the field leaving the two twins behind. "But they'll turn up in a month or two!" You laughed at their attempt to scare you. You were a professional keeper. Playing Quidditch with Reggie came in handy. You looked at Harry.

He looked worried and scared?. "Oh Harry! Quidditch is great don't worry!" You reassured him. "Best game there is! You'll  be great too!" You saw Hermione Granger running towards you three and you shot her a smile. "But I've never even played Quidditch! What if I make a fool of myself?" Harry said. "You won't make a fool of yourself Harry! Stop worrying now will you?" You said.

"Your sister's right! Plus, It's in your blood." Hermione said. You raised your eyebrows but than you were hit with realization. You remember that Remus always talked about how great your father in in Quidditch. "Father was an amazing Seeker Harry."


"WOAH! You never told me your father was a seeker too!" Ron exclaimed. "I literally said it before coming here." I said frowning at Ron. You were staring at the trophy for a few more minutes before exiting the room.

"I'm telling you two. It's spooky! She knows more about you than you do!" Ron yelled.  "Who doesn't" said Harry. "Not all information about us in the books and daily prophet are true. there's real information than there's Rita sk-" Just as you were about to finish, The staircase moved. 

Completely forgot they moved.-

"What's happening?!" Harry yelled, holding onto the railing like his life depended on it. Hermione put both her hands on the railing as you did the same and Ron was moving around like a mindless skrewt.

"The staircases change! Remember?" Hermione said. The staircase set on the 3rd floor corridor on the right. "Let's go this way."

"Before the staircase moves again!" Ron exclaimed as we ran up towards the corridor. Harry opened the door as the four of us walked in. This feels like a bad idea. I feel as we shouldn't be here. 

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