16~The Forbidden Forest

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"Malfoy!" Harry yelled. "You need to take care of your dog y/n." He said to me as I frowned at him.

Yes dear brother, you were totally comforting me after Marcus Flint humiliated me in front of all of Slytherin and not Draco. 

"Oh dear." Hagrid said, fear visible in his face and voice.


"Hagrid always wanted a dragon. He told me so when I first met him." Harry said after we walked back to the castle. "It's crazy.. and worse Malfoy knows." Ron said. "Is it that bad?" Hermione said. I yelped seeing Professor McGonagall in front of me. "It's bad.." Ron said. 

"Good evening." Professor McGonagall frowned at me. "Mr. Malfoy didn't tell me about you being out Ms. Potter.." Draco came out behind her and smiled. His smile faded as his eyes landed on you. 

The five of us followed Professor McGonagall to the transfiguration classroom. As I passed Draco he grabbed my hand and intertwined my fingers in his. I tried to let go but couldn't. He was looking down with a grim expression. When we reached Professor McGonagall's desk she spoke up.

"Nothing. I repeat nothing. gives a student the right to walk about the school at night." She paused. "Therefore as punishment for your actions. 50 points will be take from your house." She finished calmly. "FIFTY?!" Harry exclaimed. "Each." My eyes widened. "And too insure it doen't happen again.. all five of you will recieve detention."

Draco finally looked up, letting go of your hand and walking up to Professor McGonagall's desk. "Excuse me professor.. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said, the five of us.." McGonagall looked at him with no expression on her face. "No you heard me correctly Mr. Malfoy. You see, honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention." She said as the corners of your mouth lifted. Serves you right blonde mop.


"Pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeon. God I miss the screaming." Argus Filch, the Hogwarts caretaker said calmly. As if what he just said was definitely normal and not giving off Psychopath/Serial Killer vibes.

The five of you walked towards Hagrid's hut. You felt relieved that you were going towards his hut. Punishment with Hagrid shouldn't be too bad. "You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight." Filch said as I smiled. "He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest." Your smile faded almost instantly.  

"A sorry lot this Hagrid." Filch said to Hagrid who had a his crossbow in his hands. He didn't seem in a nice mood. "Oh good god man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Filch said.  Hagrid was sniffling. "Norbert's gone. Dumbledore, sent him of to Romania. To live in a colony." He said still sniffling.

"Well that's good isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione said. Hagrid glared at her. "Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? I mean he's only a baby after all."

Filch rolled his eyes. "Oh for god's sake, pull yourself together mate. You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you." Filch widened his eyes and raised his brows. Draco looked terrified. "The forest? I thought that was a joke, We can't go in there! Students aren't allowed. There are.." he paused and suddenly, both his hands were clutching onto me as he hid his face in my shoulder. 

He put his head up. "Werewolves.." I live with werewolves Draco Lucius Malfoy... "There's more than werewolve's in those trees lad. You can be sure of that." Draco looked at you worried. "Nighty-Night.." Filch said and left.   

"Right. Let's go." Hagrid said. Draco let go of me and grabbed my arm with one of his hands. We followed Hagrid into the Dark forest. After a long walk, Hagrid stopped in front of a tree. He sat down and put his fingers in some silver substance. "Hagrid, what is that?" Harry asked. "Unicorn's blood." You answered for him. 

"I found one dead a few weeks ago." Hagrid said as the four beside me looked terrified. "Now, this one's been hurt bad by something."  Harry's eyes travelled elsewhere. "So, it's our job to go and find the poor beast. Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me." ("Ok.." Ron's voice said shakily.") "Harry, you go with ya sister and Malfoy." He finished talking. Harry nodded.         

"Okay. Than we get Fang!" Draco exclaimed. "Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward." Hagrid said, the corners of my mouth twitched. How can a dog that looks like that be a coward?


"You wait till my father hears about this. This is servants stuff!" Draco shrieked. I took my arm out his hand with force and rolled my eyes. "If I didn't know better, Draco. I'd say you're scared." Harry said. "I'm not scared Potter." Draco said. "I agree with Harry." I said which made Draco scoff.

A howling noise came from behind us. "D-did you hear that?" Draco turned to me. I shrugged, not knowing what to say. "Come on Fang! Scared.." Draco called to Fang and muttered the last part to himself but loud enough for me to hear. 


The three of us stopped finally as we saw a hooded creature drinking a unicorn's blood. My jaw dropped to the floor. "What is it Fang?" Harry whispered unknowingly. My scar was hurting badly. It felt like my head was being split in half. I put both my hands up to my scar and fell back slightly. "A-are you.. alright?" Draco looked back at me. I shook my head no. Draco walked towards me and turned his head to see the creature.

The creature growled and Draco grabbed my arm, attempting to run. "Let-let's go!" He shrieked. Fang ran for his life. "C-an't. You leave.." I managed to say. "Don't be stupid! I'm not to leave you with.. that." The creature started coming towards you and Draco hid you behind him in a protective motion. The three of us were walking backwards, trying to stay as far away from the 'thing' as possible.  

The three slipped on a root clumsily. "We're gonna die!" Draco said with his voice cracking. The hooded figure standing meters away from us. The figure than suddenly turned around and ran for it. We all looked up and saw another creature. It jumped in front of us. Harry and Draco got up as I was still sitting there, shocked and processing everything. Draco lend his hand to me which I took and got up.

A centaur came from behind the bushes. "Harry and Y/n Potter. You must leave. You are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you two. "What was that thing you saved me from." I was still looking down out of shock, unable to speak. "A monstrous creature. It is terrible to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch away from death. But at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure.. that from the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life. A cursed life."

"But who would choose such a life?" Said Harry who was not in the state of shock as I am. "Can you think of no one." The centaur said. "Do you mean to say.. that thing that killed the unicorn.. that was drinking it's blood, that was Voldemort." I quickly put my head up in shock. Draco flinched at the use of his name. "What-"

"Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment, Ms. Potter?" The centaur put his head down to level with me. "The Philosophers Stone." I answered after a while. Draco turned to me. "what is the-" He was interrupted by Fang's barks. "Harry! Y/n!" Hermione's voice echoed through the woods. "Hello there Firenze. See you've met our young Potter twins and Mr. Malfoy. You three alright?" Harry nodded.

"Harry and Y/n Potter This is where I leave you." He got up slowly. "You're safe now. Good Luck." 

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