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"Come on! Just one?" I asked him pleadingly. "Nope. Not a chance." He said.

"You're no fun." I playfully glared at him before we both burst out laughing. We were on the couch in the common room 10 minutes before class. "Alright. Just one." He said as he pulled you up into a short-lasting hug.


You both had transfiguration first. You walked there together with Crabbe and Goyle chatting about food behind you two. "Their world revolves around food. No wonder their fat as hell!" Draco whispered to you so the two behind you couldn't hear. "Although you're right, try being nicer Draco." 

"Yeah, yeah whatever." He rolled his eyes as you reached the room. "Well looks like we're early." You said pointing at the now empty classroom.

You both took a seat at the very front with Crabbe and Goyle sat behind us on the second-bench. It was only so long before other students started running in followed by professor McGonagall.


It was 20 minutes into class and the door burst open making every student turn their head. It was Ron and Harry. You looked back at Professor McGonagall who was now a cat. 

Ron and Harry ran towards the front. You had successfully held in a laugh as Ron thought that they made it in time.

"Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late." Ron said. Draco nudged you and you saw he was smirking. he furrowed his brow towards the duo. You nodded holding back a laugh threatening to escape your throat. 

The cat that was sat on the desk jumped up towards them as she transfigured back to her human form.

Ron and Harry's jaw were practically on the floor. "That was bloody brilliant!" Ron said flabbergasted. "Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley." McGonagall said. The disappointment in her voice was obvious. 

"Perhaps it'd be more useful If I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and Yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time!" It was getting harder not to laugh.    

"W-we got lost." Harry said. "Than perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats!" As McGonagall walked away. Bot your hands were over your mouth. Trying to cover any laugh-ish noises. Draco took one of your hands and mouthed. 'You okay?' 

I nodded reassuringly as I put my hands down on the table and cleared my throat. I'm surprised I was successful in surpassing this laugh. 


You were sitting in potions with Draco and his friends. He was talking about how he is amazing at potions. You saw the door behind you burst open. the sound made you jump and your heartbeat fasten.

Professor Severus Snape walked in. His mood the same as always. Neutral. But the tone of his voice says otherwise. "There's no foolish wand-waving, or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to like this appreciate the subtle-science and exact art that is potion making. However for those.. select few..." He changed his view towards me and Draco. 

"who possess the predisposition.." He took his robes in his hands changing his view to Harry. "I can teach you, how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you, how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death.." Draco looked at me with a smile.

 I saw him looking across me towards Harry, practically glaring at him. "Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough... TO NOT PAY ATTENTION." I flinched as he yelled. that was unexpected. "Mr. Potter.." He paused and looked at me "..And Ms. Potter" he looked back at Harry. 

I swear I saw him smile for a split second. 

"Our new celebrities.." If looks could kill Harry would be dead a hundred times over now. "Tell me what would I get if I added powdered root to asphodel to and infusion of wormwood?" Both Hermione and my hand flew up to the air. "Ms. Potter?" 

"We would get a sleeping potion. It is so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death." I said. Snape had an actual smile on his face. "Very good."

"Alright, now Mr. Potter." He said changing his gaze back to Harry. "Where, Mr. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Hermione's hand flew up again. Although I did know where but I decided to not raise my hand. "I don't know, Sir." Harry said. Don't Know?!

"Don't know? Well let's try again. What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Hermione's hand stayed up but I didn't budge. "I don't know, Sir.."

Did this boy not touch a single book or something?

"Pity.. Ms. Potter?" He said looking at me

"Well um, Monkshood and Wolfsbane are the same plant, which also goes by the name 'Aconite'." I answered. "Clearly, Ms. Potter is smarter than her brother. 20 points to Slytherin." 

"Clearly, Hermione knows! Seems a pity not to ask her." The whole class started laughing. "Silence" Snape said coldly. Snape walked over to Harry. "Put your hand down you silly girl!" Snape took a seat and sat down in front of Harry. 

"For your information, Potter.. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons." Draco looked as he was enjoying every moment of it. I was too if you ask me. Maybe if he had read the books he would've known. "Why aren't you all copying this down?" 

He walked back to his table and picked up his feather. "And Gryffindors.. Note that 5 points will be taken from your house..for your classmates cheek." Draco was laughing and his laugh made me smile for a split second. 

I turned to Harry and mothed 'You should've read the books.' He just rolled his eyes at me. Harry was glaring at Snape the rest of the class. 

"Ms. Potter it is not nice to try and read a Professors mind." All heads turned to me as my cheeks flushed red out of embarrassment. "You're a legilimens?" Draco asked me. I nodded.

So, it was him. He was crying with my mother's body in his arms. 

We were both broken (Draco x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora