5~The Sorting Ceremony

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We followed the woman as she opened the huge brown door. And as we did my jaw dropped to the floor. I have never  seen something so beautiful. I sky, the candles even the damn walls look beautiful here. "Wicked" I managed to say. I could here students whispering things like woah or wow or merlin's beard.

"It's not real the ceiling." Hermione told me. "It's just bewitched to look like the night sky. I've read about it in Hogwarts: A History"

Well whoever bewitched it did an amazing job to do so. As we reached the end of the hall we saw an ugly-looking witch hat sat on top a chair. "Now, will you wait along here please" The elderly woman said. 

"Now, before we begin.. Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words" She smiled at us. A really  old man with really long beard stood up. His beard is probably as tall as I am. 

"I have a few start-of-term notices I wish to announce." He paused. "First years please note.. the Dark Forests is strictly forbidden to all students.. Also our caretaker Mr.Filch has asked me to remind you.. that the third floor on the right hand side is out-of-bounds, to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death. Thank you" He said as he sat back down. 

"When I call your name, you will come forth.. and I shall place the Sorting Hat on your head..." The professor picked up the hat as she continued. "..And you will be Sorted into your houses."

"Hermione Granger!" She yelled and I nudged Hermione with my elbow. She started walking up and muttered something inaudible. "Mental that one, I'm telling ya!" Ron whispered to Harry but loud enough for me to hear him. Harry nodded. "Don't be so mean" I told them.

"Ah right.. hmm, right!" The hat started talking making me jump slightly. "Okay. GRYFFINDOR!" 
A whole table stood up and started clapping and yelling. Hermione went and sat down on the table. 

"Draco Malfoy." She called and my eyes immedietly travelled to look for him. I saw him getting up to the seat and sitting down with a worried look as he looked at his head. The Sorting Hat barely touched his head as it screamed "SLYTHERIN!" Draco got up with a smug look on his face going over to the cheering table. 

"There isn't a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.." Ron told both me and Harry. "Susan Bones" I watched as a girl went up to the chair. 

Both mine and Harry's travelled to a certain professor. He looked oddly familiar.. Wonder where I saw him. It's in my head I just can't seem to remember. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain on my scar. "Ah!" Harry and I whisper-yelled at the same time. "What is it?" Ron asked. "Nothing.. Nothing I'm fine" Harry said. But I knew better. It wasn't nothing. The other time my scar hurt was when I saw Voldemort in my dreams. Human version of him. it was years ago now I don't remember how he looked as a human. But how would Voldemort be here?

"Ronald Weasley" Ron looked at us nervously and I gave him a thumbs-up and mouthed a good luck. He nodded as he went up. He looked terrified as he sat down. It was written all over his face. "Hah!" I gasped at the random noise.

"Another Weasley.. I know just what to do with you! GRYFFINDOR." The table with the red and gold flags jumped up yet again and started cheering. "Harry Potter" Albus Dumbledore shifted in his seat as his name got called out. "Go Harry!" I nudged him. He smiled at me as he went. All the tables started whispering things such as 'Please be Ravenclaw' or other crap I couldn't hear.

"Hm...Difficult, very difficult. Plenty of courage I see. Not a bad mind either.. There's talent! oh, yes.. And a thirst, to prove yourself... But where.. to put you?" Harry muttered something inaudible. "Not Slytherin eh? Are you sure? You could be great, You know. It's all here. In your head.  And Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness and no doubt about that." Harry kept muttering things I couldn't understand. I could read lips so well yet he was talking so fast it was impossible for you to understand unless... You're a legilimens..

I'm a legilimens

He didn't want to be Slytherin? I don't quite understand what's so bad about being a Slytherin. Regulus is a Slytherin and he's the sweetest! Most of the cells in Azkaban have people who were once a Slytherin- But! Being Ambitious, Proud and Clever is not a terrible thing.  

"No? Well if you're sure.. better be, GRYFFINDOR." 

Harry grinned widely as I glared at him. Not sure if he saw it though.. He walked over to the Gryffindor table with all the other students who were cheering and clapping. 

"Y/n Potter"

I walked up to the chair and the whispering now louder than before. 'I bet 50 galleons she'll be Gryffindor.' someone said and I had a smug look as I sat down. "Hmm. Let's see.. You're even more difficult than your brother! Clever and ambitious.. Brave yet intelligent. Very talented. And yet very skilled at such young age.. " This old hat is confusing me. Me? Intelligent and talented?

"You have something that Salazar Slytherin himself treasured! Hm.. Must be.. SLYTHERIN" The Slytherin table jumped up and started clapping louder than any other table has tonight. I walked over to the table with a smirk plastered on my face. I found Draco and his friends and sat down next to him.

"Congratulations! I knew you'd be Slytherin the moment I met you!" He said over-excitedly "Thanks." I smiled at him as the entire table slowly went silent and sat down.

"Your attention please!" Minerva McGonagall said "Let the feast begin" Albus Dumbledore said. 

I looked back at the professor from before. His name's Severus Snape. But apparantly he understood someone was trying to read his mind and he blocked it. Strange. How'd he know? 

"Aren't you gon' eat?" Draco asked. "What? Oh yes." I said taken aback

"Say, Draco.. Is your godfather Severus Snape?" I asked taking some food on my plate. "Yeah! how'd you know?" He said taking a massive bite out of his chicken. "Just guessin'. Heard somewhere he was you father's best friend and your mother's cousin?" He hummed in response. There were ghosts flying around in the castle. Not new to me. I once saw a random ghost come from the ground asking to take a picture with me. "Look it's the Bloody Baron!" A freckled boy with slightly curly hair yelled as a ghost flew through the table.

Nothing interesting happened the next hour except me and Draco having a conversation about one thing to another where out of no where, Peeves the poltergeist popped up and threw water balloons at Gregory Goyle and Vincient Crabbe.

A/N:  A really long chapter this one. 1162 words- sorry.



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