While he would admit it was slightly harder to walk in the nappy than he would've liked, he didn't need fucking help to do it.

Harry's hand releases the boy, both of his making their way to Liam's hips pulling the boy close to him and kissing his cheek, "When is it?"

"A-at the clubhouse in two weeks, c-can we go?" Liam begs turning to meet both of his masters, Zayn clears his throat, "Niall's test is in two weeks-"

"Of course, we can go," Harry assures, his thin lips lift in smile seeing his submissive brighten at the confirmation, "Who is it?" Louis asks softly squinting at the flyer Liam held in his hands with awe, "My-my old friend, Andy. I-I went to school with him." The once cheerful look flattens, he shakes his head plastering a smile on before meeting Harry's eyes, "T-thank you, Master,"

"Of course," This time Harry takes Liam's hand in his own, Louis pouting that his was still intertwined with Zayn's, "Where are we going..?" His question trails off as Harry pulls a door open gesturing everyone inside, "What the fuck-"

"-Fuck this," Louis stands from the chair he'd been led to by Luke, he would risk the paddling later if it meant he didn't have to stick around to hear a bunch of level seven douches speak to them like children.

Skips were fucked. They didn't have a future. Without a dominant, they had no rights, couldn't leave the agency they were assigned, and couldn't get a job. Louis sometimes wondered if uneducated skips got dealt a better hand, they were allowed to age out of the system by 28 if not signed for and could return home to their families.

Part of him wished he was an uneducated sometimes. It's when his eyes glaze an either uneducated skip or a submissive in a stroller to his right that the thought is wiped from his brain.

"Where are you going?" Ashton asks tugging the boy's shirt silently demanding he retake his seat, "Anywhere but here," Louis returns, "This shit blows," Ashton rolls his eyes, "Luke said this next speaker is really cool,"

"Ash he's a level fucking seven how cool could he be?" Beginning to walk away, Ashton groans knowing he risked being in trouble for following him, yet also could be reprimanded for not following him since Louis was his buddy. Shannon would throw in his face that he asked for Louis to be his buddy. What the fuck was he thinking?

Muttering under his breath Ashton got up crouching down as he scooted by trailing Louis out of the crowd.

"Please welcome Andy-"

Luke claps still when his eyes catch a glimpse of Louis and Ashton tiptoeing from the session toward a section of the mall converted for masters only. "Fuck," he turns handing his clipboard to Shannon, "I'll be back" he muses knowing she had seen them too, "Go get 'em Daddy-"

"-Daddy is beyond sick of that word coming from you," Harry chastises rubbing Louis' smarting thigh, he sits in the man's arms sniffling as tears roll down his cheeks from the brutal spanking he'd just received.

Louis didn't know if it were more embarrassing that it happened in public, in a store surrounded by masters and what he assumed were submissives - or that it happened at all and now his sobs were being soothed.

The Daddy adjusts Louis on his hip continuing to shush his tears as he walks around the store cooing at all the furniture that would be absolutely perfect for his little one.

Almost down to bare sniffles, Louis tucks his head into his Master's neck sighing with a sob breaking through his lips when he hears the haunting click of a camera shutter, he lifts his head up with a gasp, Harry wiping tears from his cheeks, "I told you in the car they'd be taking pictures of us baby boy, it's okay,"

"W-wh-why," Louis rushes fighting to stand on his own feet, he's panicking as the flashes increase, he hears the rush of others coming in the store all throwing their own questions into the already chaotic scene, "Wh-what's g-going on," Louis whispers tucking closer to Harry that coos rubbing the boys side, "Master Zayn and I are public figures, people want to see us, they want to see our new skip-"

"-Skip! It's a Skip!" Louis takes Ashton's hand hearing the warning from the guard ring around the closed off section, "Run!" He shrieks, Ashton groans glancing back seeing Luke hot on their trail, "Lou we can't out run him!"

"We can fucking try!" the younger one retorts rounding the corner trying to throw Luke off, he ducks behind a vending machine holding a hand over his mouth to muffle his panting, his eyes meeting Ashton's forces a giggle from his throat he immediately coughs to cover, "Real smooth," Ashton growls pushing Louis down to hide him, the older one turning as if he was someone else peering into a store window, "Do you see him?"

"No," Ashton returns using the glass in the window as a mirror, he felt relief in the pit of his stomach when Louis springs up from his hiding place.

"Louis one, Luke zero-"

"More like Louis one beating, Luke will be giving it," Louis rolls his eyes waving his hand around, "He'd have to catch me first," he teases peaking around the corner before stepping into the open with a sigh, "I like this part of the mall, it's nicer-"

"That's because it's only for Masters, not skips,"

"I am Master Leon the third," Louis lies confidently crossing his arms, he points to Ashton, "T-this is my submissive, Alex. He's my bitch,"

"Wow," Ashton mutters wanting to facepalm, the contorted look of confusion on the obvious Master before the pair brings a weak attempt of a nervous giggle from Louis, "Bitches, 'amirite?"

"How did you possibly make that worse?" Ashton whimpers cowering at the snarl from the man, his look shifts beyond the two, Ashton glancing over his shoulder breathing a sigh of relief seeing Luke storming toward them. "You two are in so much trouble," Luke growls, he offers the dominant an apologetic smile, "These are skips from our agency, we're on a field trip." the man lifts a judging brow, "I didn't know they let the uneducated out," he sneers lowering himself to Louis' eye level, "You wouldn't last a day as a master-"

"-Master Zayn, where is Niall?!" At the so harshly thrown question, the pictures halt as if waiting for the answer before resuming, Louis' look flickers from Zayn's cold glare to Harry's expressionless smirk, he's sifting through crib sheet patterns with one of his hands attached to Louis', the skip tightening the hold stepping closer to him.

"Please no questions, we're here with our new skip, he's new to this world," Zayn's reply rolls from the tongue ending the impromptu interrogation, the paparazzi exit once a few more snaps were taken leaving the four to browse in peace.

Harry gasps seeing an embroidered blanket hanging from a display crib, "We need one for my little Lou," bringing the fabric to the skip's face he hums, "Isn't it so soft?" Louis uneasily nods reading the name already printed on it, "Leon-"

"-Leon? That's your master name?" Ashton teases, it's a light-hearted attempt to lift the mood after Luke bit their heads off, promising to redden their backsides later once back at the agency.

"Excuse me, I am Leon the third," Louis corrects, "My apologies Leon," Ashton laughs ruffling the skip's hair, he leans his forehead against Louis', "For the record, I think you'd make a great master,"

Knowing the words the master so carelessly slung at Louis hurt his friend more than any lashing or tongue-chewing could, Ashton felt the need to remind Louis that the boy was truly special and if fate were different or could be rewritten, he'd make a great dominant.

Louis sniffles attempting to mask his watery giggle, "T-thanks, Alex," he muses, the older one clears his throat, "That's bitch Alex to you, Master Leon the third,"


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