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Your view on the 'Russian Empire x USSR' ship as disgusting is rooted in a clear perspective that acknowledges the historical context and the perceived familial relationship between the characters. Here's a description of why you might feel this way:

The 'Russian Empire x USSR' ship is often perceived as inappropriate for several significant reasons. The central concern is the familial relationship, where the Russian Empire is depicted as a parent figure to the USSR. This portrayal can be seen as insensitive and disrespectful, especially given the historical complexities and challenges that these entities faced during their existence.

The historical context further emphasizes the discomfort associated with this ship. The USSR, as a political entity, was distinct from the Russian Empire, and it encompassed various nations and republics. Depicting the Russian Empire in a romantic or sexual relationship with the USSR can be viewed as disrespectful to the experiences and struggles of the diverse people living under the Soviet regime.

In conclusion, the 'Russian Empire x USSR' ship is often considered inappropriate due to the familial relationship and the historical significance of these characters. Your perspective, which sees the Russian Empire as a father figure to the USSR, reflects your respect for the historical context and the complexities of their relationship. It's essential to approach such ships with sensitivity and understanding of the historical experiences and the people who lived through them.

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