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"Why are they depicted as father and son? Why does this fandom have such a fascination with this concept?"

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The 'USSR x Russia' ship is one that is viewed by many as inappropriate and distasteful for a number of valid reasons. The most glaring concern with this pairing is the fact that it involves a familial relationship – one where the USSR is often depicted as the parent or guardian figure, and Russia as the child. Shipping characters within a familial relationship, especially when they are father and son, can be perceived as deeply inappropriate and disrespectful.

The historical context further compounds the issues with this ship, as the USSR was the political entity that oversaw Russia and numerous other Soviet republics during a tumultuous period in history. Portraying such a complex and significant relationship in a romantic or sexual light can be seen as insensitive to the historical experiences and struggles of the people living in the USSR and its republics.

In conclusion, the 'USSR x Russia' ship is generally considered a controversial and inappropriate pairing due to the familial relationship and the historical significance of these characters. Many fans find it disrespectful and offensive, and it's important to approach such ships with sensitivity and respect for the historical context and the experiences of those involved.

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