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Why? it's disrespectful.

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Historical Context: The ship is rooted in a deeply sensitive and painful historical context. The Third Reich, under Nazi leadership, was responsible for the Holocaust and numerous war crimes during World War II. Poland, as a nation, suffered immensely during this period. Shipping characters in this context trivializes the historical suffering, loss, and atrocities committed during that time.

Disrespect to Victims: Shipping characters from the Third Reich with Poland can be perceived as deeply insensitive and disrespectful to the millions of individuals who suffered and lost their lives during the Holocaust and World War II. It trivializes the real-world pain and suffering experienced by countless people.

Harmful Portrayals: Such ships often involve portrayals of the Third Reich characters as sympathetic or romantic figures, which can be seen as offensive and harmful. This portrayal can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and minimize the impact of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust.

In conclusion, the 'Third Reich x Poland' ship is viewed as disrespectful because it romanticizes a historical period marked by immense suffering, loss, and atrocities. Many fans find it deeply offensive and inappropriate due to the sensitive historical context and the harm it can cause by trivializing the experiences of the victims. It's essential to approach such ships with the utmost sensitivity and respect for the historical realities they represent.

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