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My rate 5/10


Being neutral about the 'German Empire x Austria-Hungary Empire' ship is entirely understandable. The world of fandom often offers a multitude of pairings, and it's natural to have preferences that lead to a neutral stance on certain ships.

One reason for this neutrality may be your preference for the 'German Empire x Russian Empire' ship. Different ships appeal to different fans for various reasons. In your case, you might find the dynamics and storytelling potential of the 'German Empire x Russian Empire' pairing more engaging and fulfilling. That's perfectly valid and shows that you have a unique taste in the pairings you enjoy.

Remaining neutral in your stance on the 'German Empire x Austria-Hungary Empire' ship demonstrates your open-mindedness and respect for the preferences of other fans. It's essential to remember that fandom is a diverse and creative space where individual interpretations and pairings can vary widely. Your neutrality highlights your ability to appreciate the various ships and stories that emerge within the community, while also emphasizing your distinct personal preferences.

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