Chapter Seven

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Clack. Clack.

Long fingers tapped against the mahogany table. Calix narrowed his grey eyes at the blond and brunet. "I knew you would come."

Phoenix smiled a little and repositioned the small crown on his head while Karan plopped himself on the leather couch. "Of course we would. It's not everyday that you go to war, Alpha Calix."

"I have no plans on stopping."

Karan was the one to talk now. "You're part of the council, Alpha Calix. It does no good to our name when you of all people decide to this." He looked around, admiring how the place looked, "Oh my, what nice marble." He mumbled.

"I'm not giving up on her."

Phoenix sighed. "I knew you would say this. Just wait a little. We're trying to form an alliance with the humans-"

"No." His tone was final, "I like her. I want her, not any other woman." For some reason, the woman made him feel at peace. Although she never allowed him close to her, just by looking at her, he felt an odd sense of satisfaction.

Phoenix took of his crown, ran a hand through his platinum blond hair and put the crown back on. He sighed exasperatedly. "You're being stubborn, Calix. Don't you see? You're starting a war. A war. Something that could make thousands lose their lives."

Calix felt his heart sting. He didn't want his members to die. No sane Alpha would. But the feeling in his heart made him firm in his decision. He would not stop. Could not. There was just something about her. .

Calix's silence made the fae understand. He wasn't stopping.

The vampire looked at them. "Can I see her?"

"No." Calix said flatly. "Absolutely not."

"I won't bite." Karan smiled slyly, "I think."

Phoenix shot him a pointed stare.

Calix leaned against his chair, "If you both have nothing else to say, you can excuse yourselves."


Of course, Karan was going to see the woman anyway. He had a plan and plus, his curiosity was too much to be ignored.

So he waited until midnight before he snuck into her room. His clothes were quite rumpled from being roughed up by the guards. It wasn't easy to invade the pack and he had to knock out quite a few of them. He did not have prior knowledge of where she stayed, but he could tell from her different scent.

Snore. . .

He squinted his eyes at her in distaste. As he stared at the frail, sleeping woman, he just couldn't understand what Calix had seen in her. Sure, she was pretty, but that was all. He could tell she was weak, because she hadn't even sensed his presence though he was just a few centimeters away from her.

He stretched out a long, pale finger and touched her soft cheek. He himself didn't know why he did that, maybe because it looked soft. He poked it gently, watching how it bounced.

The woman suddenly opened her eyes.

Karan flinched as she gripped his fingers. He was just about to pull them away from her when she. . bit them. Her eyes narrowed in distaste. "This isn't sausage." She murmured, closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Karan retracted his fingers that was now moist and had a bite mark on them. He didn't want to admit it, but her bite was strong. And it really hurt. With a small grunt, he wiped his fingers on his handkerchief.

He was done playing. He came here for a reason.

"Hey. Woman. Wake up." He made sure his voice was loud, but the woman still didn't wake up.  He grabbed her soft arms and shook her. Her eyes opened and locked with his red ones. This time, she was conscious. Her brows furrowed.

Before the woman could scream, he placed a large palm over her mouth, silencing her. She writhed, trying to get away from his strong grip but it was no use. She was stuck. Her eyes were fully open now and he was a bit stunned at how vivid they were.  

"Shh." He tried making his voice sound comforting. "I'm not here to hurt you, calm down."

He expected the woman to calm down, but as he talked, the woman only became more violent. She looked terrified as she hit her soft palms against his strong arms. He didn't know what to do. Was it because of his fangs?

"I'm not going to bite you, I promise." He sighed, "I'll release you, okay? Just don't scream. I just want to talk."

Cassandra nodded frantically, eager to get away from the man. Once he let her go, she scurried far away from him in fear. She hadn't expected to see a man right beside her as she woke up. Much less a man with fangs.

Karan watched the woman flinch away from him. His brows furrowed in slight annoyance.

"W-what are you?" She asked shakily. Her heart thudded in her chest violently, and although she was a few meters away from him, she wondered if he could hear it.

"I'm a vampire."

Her heart dropped. First it was a lycan. Now it was a vampire. What was going to be next? A faerie? "Are you going to kill me?"

"No." He huffed, making himself comfortable on her bed. "I came here to make a deal, don't be so fussy."

The woman continued to stare at him, fear obvious in her eyes. His lips curled up to form a wicked smile. She was perfect. Not only could he dump his work on her, but he could stop the war. The moment she becomes a council member, she ceases being Calix's woman. She would become a councilwoman who would have a say in whoever she wanted to be with. Plus, she would actually help with the council's first time interaction with humans. It was killing three birds with a stone.

"I'm sure you don't want this war to happen, do you?"

Cassandra nodded hesitantly.

His grin became wider, "Want to join the council?"


I had a really hard time writing this chapter.
I don't know why, but I just don't feel confident with this chapter ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
This is the start of the main story hehe
And 150+ reads? You guys are awesome! :))

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