The Queen of Queens calls their attention. "Ladies! We have more pressing matters." She points to the army of spiders amassing in the sky.

Some voice their delight, while others nod in agreement. Together, using their magic, ethereal chains manifest and go up into the air. The strings on the clouds come to life as they strike down any fiery chain that comes close. The Succubi chuckle as they prepare another attack.


Naruto looks upon the chaos. He is stunned at the sudden armies clashing in the sky. The first thought in his head is the safety of the village.

Looking over the synthetics, he tries to reassure them. "It's okay. I'll keep you safe." Naruto looks back at the sky. "Come on, we have to climb to the surface. We'll be safe from the debris."

The Hokage spots Kanari already halfway up. Ku floats near Kurama's head. "They haven't seen the outside world. They'll be lost and afraid."

Naruto gazes back down at the terrified clones. "I know you're all scared. Your life was one way, then it changed in an instant. You want to hide in the dark, thinking what if. That won't bring you peace. Nothing will. What will make you feel better is getting out there and doing something. So please, help me help you. Get to safety and help where you can."

There is silence in the basin while chaos echoes above them. Naruto feels stones rolling in his stomach. He started to believe they were going to remain down here.

A synthetic clone claps his hands together and performs a remarkable jutsu. "Wood Style: Deep Forest Emergence."

The walls of the earth split open as giant trees depart to reach the surface. Synthetics jump on the trees as they continue to grow and travel to the surface. Naruto is stunned. They were very fast, equal to or greater than a Jonin. In just a few moments, all synthetics have reached the top.

All the ethereal aura retracts back into Naruto. He looks up in Nine-Tailed cloak form. "That really is something." Kurama remarks.

"Yeah. Good thing they're on our side." Naruto replies. "Okay! We have to stop this fight. Any plans, Kurama?"

"That Proxima lady holds firm control of the soil. Perhaps we can rip that control away from her."

"Good point! Take away the corrupted earth, and she'll probably lose her summons. But how are we going to terraform the earth? I can't handle that much terrain."

"Maybe if you contact Oto, we can-"

"Wait! I think I know someone who can take control of the earth."

"Huh? Who?"

"Hold on. I'll bring them to us." Naruto bites his thumb, drawing blood. He slams his hands on the ground and shouts. "Summoning Jutsu!"

Smoke engulfs the basin. The summon swipes the smoke, pushing it aside. A beast large enough to tower over trees, round like a ball, emanating stinging wind with the gentlest of movement, and lots of sand.

"Yeahahaha! It is I, The Incarnation of Sand, the monster Tanuki, the One-Tailed. Shukaku of the Sand!" Shukaku points in front of him, only to realize he's pointing at a wall. "Uhh..."

"Why!?" Kurama shouts, almost deafening Naruto.

"Ow! Hey, we needed someone to rearrange the earth, so I got someone."

"I'm pretty sure we can get someone better."

"Stupid fox, can't get the job done?" Shukaku mocks Kurama. "All that brute strength yet yields zero results."

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