VI. September 1st & September 2nd

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"We're opening in 30 minutes, kiddo," Maria said, rubbing my arm with her soft hand. "Finish up and get ready. I'll have Jinx chef you up some food."

"Thanks, ma," I replied playfully, earning a soft smack to the back of my head.

"I still don't see how you can read this shit and understand it," Andre remarked incredulously. "None of this rolls off the tongue...'The psy-cho-dy-namic theory centers on a person's early childhood experience and how it influences the likelihood for committing crime.'"

I giggled and shut my laptop, then grabbed my book from him. "Amygdala. Limbic system. Oh, a good one: hippocampal volume."

"Hippopot-a-who?" Andre's bewildered expression only made me laugh harder.

"Andre, stop harassing her," Maria chided him from the back. "She's studying!"

"I'm done now, Mar! Just fuckin' with him," I shouted back, winking at the burly bouncer.

"It's not my fault Einstein works at some Walmart Miami Vice dive bar," he grumbled, making his way towards the door.

Maria slid a plate where my laptop was previously sitting. "Burger, medium well, fries. Go get ready."

I saluted her. "Yes ma'am!"

Getting ready really just entailed tossing my bag into my locker in the break room. Once that was complete, I took out my work 'emergency' cologne and spritzed it on my neck and wrists. I tossed it back into my locker and shut the door.

Working and going to school full-time was definitely a challenge. I knew that it would be, of course, but I only took what I could pay for before at Lakelands. Now, with financial aid and merit scholarships, I could do a 15 credit hour semester. The stress of assignments, quizzes, and readings was mounting.

Fortunately, Maria was super understanding. She was often at Westwood 91 in the afternoons prepping for the evening, anyway. So as soon as class is done, I get to sneak in through the back and sit at the bar. She even gave me access to the forbidden wifi password so I can submit assignments, too.

"So, how's the love life going, kid?" My manager asked with raised brows.

I almost choked on my food at the abrupt question. I chewed rapidly, trying my best to not gnaw off my tongue. Once I swallowed, I breathlessly replied: "It's not, why would it be?"

"I thought that blonde you made out with on my dancefloor was your Cinderella," she admitted.

"Nope, just my Esmerelda."

"In the sense of you fell in love with her but she'd rather date another man, or the 'just be friends' part? It better not have been the first one."

I shook my head at Maria's protectiveness. "It was mutual, Mar."

"T-minus 10 minutes," Michael, my help for the night, shouted as he entered the club.

Under the judgmental eyes of my coworkers, I scarfed the rest of my food down.

At the 4 hour mark, I nudged Michael, trying to get his attention. He turned around and we spoke wordlessly, our eyes conveying our thoughts.

He squinted at me. "What do you want?"

I nodded my head in the direction of the back door, patting my pocket. "Can I go for a smoke?"

Michael rolled his eyes and shook his head, which definitely meant "No, fuck you". I, however, took it as an agreement. I patted his shoulder with a big smile and walked towards the back door, dodging his arm as he went to swat at me.

The Psychology of Falling in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now