Chapter 4

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Stupid, Hachi-kun!

Being dense like those guys in romance mangas.

Can't he tell that I like him!?

We've been bestfriends since, like... Forever, you know?

I mean, sure I haven't directly told him that, but he should've known that by now, he's really smart and is at the top of my class, right?

"...Sadly, I also know of the reality of her growing out of her crush once we mature."

Huh? I looked sharply at Hachi-kun as he seems to not realize I can hear his mumbling or monologing as he called it.

"I couldn't let her regret wasting her time on someone rotten on the inside."

Don't say that! You're fine as it is! And its nice to have someone being not afraid to tell someone what they need to hear. Sure, Hachi-kun could be mean with his words sometimes, well most of the time, but most people in our school find that cute about him. He may have a mix following of people being wary of his quirk copying theirs and other people seeing past that while seeing him as a cute boy instead. He's practically the school mascot with how young and popular he is!

"She will find someone better. More deserving of h-"

No! That won't happen!

I grabbed him and said those words that I've been planning and practicing to say to him when we finally graduate middle school.

"Hachi-kun, I really like you!" I felt my face turn warm as every word left my mouth. My heart pounded to my chest that I could practically hear my heart beat drumming against my ears.

"Please go out with me!" I barely managed to stop myself from asking him to be my boyfriend. The thought of asking him that and fainting on the spot and not hearing his response really helped to say it differently instead.

Hachi-kun looked at me in shock as I met his eyes, the normally mean-looking eyes were wide open trying process my words.

I felt my face heat up even further but I refused to look away from him.

Please say something! This is getting really unbearable.

"Listen..." oh, boy...

When Hachi-kun starts with this word, it's usually going to be a long one and self degre... self-insulting! I refuse to let him start with this.

"No! You can only answer with 'Yes' 'Alright!' and 'Finally!'" I said to him making him look at me incredibly- no, that's not the word, but its kinda similar to that, um... let's just go with weirdly. It's hard to copy Hachi-kun and his big words!

Hachi-kun looked like he was about to run so I held him down to the bench as best I can, knowing the quirks he could use to get out of this situation we're in. It doesn't matter if we end up late for class because of this. I need to hear his answer!

"You're making, a mistake Hado." Hachi-kun weakly said as he looked away.

"I know! I wish I asked you when we we're still in elementary!" I replied even though it would've looked weird if that actually happened.

"That's not what I meant and you know that!" Hachi-kun said as he looked at me in annoyance.

Nope! I doesn't matter what you do, I'm not letting go!

I already saw how lonely you were when you transferred to my class during our elementary days right after you told everyone what your quirk is. I refuse to see that lonely look on your face again!

Seeing my determination, Hachi-kun stopped struggling, which I know was all for show, if he actually tried to get away from me he could easily done that. But Hachi-kun's really sweet and refused the option that would hurt me.

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