Chapter 2

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All people are not created equal...

I mean look. Say, if you have a quirk that can copy other quirks permanently if their owners are within a certain range for certain amount of time.

Sounds Overpowered, right?

So here comes the balance patch: The quirk/s being copied are only usuable when permanently copied. That means, while being in the process of being copied the original owner/s of the quirk/s can move out of the copy range, canceling the copying process.

Okay, a bit of a nerf but understandable with how bs it is.

Additionally, the process would have to be started over again from the beginning, making it harder to copy others.

People would've given that balance patch a fifty-fifty on average. That is if they didn't observed the balancing further.

Imagine, the copy quirk is always in passive mode. Hehe, I can already see the 'DAFAQ DEVS!?' going on. Here's another thing...

The copy range grows as the quirk owner grows older.

Yep, time to uninstall, right?

Too bad this is life. And being around people for a certain amount of time is pretty common, especially if you're in school.

"Hikigaya-kun, please pay attention. Break time is only in a few minutes, so hold out for Sensei, okay?" My elementary teacher said with a smile as she went back to teaching us mathematics.

See why I zoned out? It's my least favorable subject and given its current level. It's purgatory-level boring.

I can't really blame Fuumi-Sensei here, she's doing her best to make the subject interesting and pressure free. The problem here lies with me.

I'm too smart.

Ugh, feel like dunking myself in muriatic acid with how shitty that line was, anyways-

*Ahem* Given I've already jumped a grade and I'm already in third-grade says so, given that I should still be in kindergarten. Too bad that my parents refused to let me skip grades further as they wanted me to have friends around my age and my current classmates are already pushing it.

Still, felt really satisfied when my mother told me that I can take a few years off from school to let my original batchmates catch up to me before finally starting middle school.

Bad parenting? Nah, I'm happy about it so it's not.

It also helps me prepare myself to redo my middle school life, given that my previous one was the dark ages for me.

With my parents being the same ones that I had before, only that they have quirks and more attached to their kid. I could safely say they're not that different from my previous ones.

A few minutes came by and the bell signaled the end of class.

"Breaktime woohoo!" Some kids cheered as my teacher chuckled at my classmates.

For a second I felt some secondhand embarrassment washed over me- get me out of here!

"Hachiyam, let's eat!" My seatmate said as she brought out her own bento, filled with cupcakes and stuff. Oi. where's the rice!?

"Hado, don't your parent know that it's unhealthy to only give their kid cupcakes for their bento everyday?" I asked my seatmate.

"Oohhh! You got those octopus-weiner! Can I have some? I'll trade some of my cupcakes-oh how about those strawberries? I trade my strawberry flavored one!" She said she began to enforce a force trade without my consent.

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