Chapter 9

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Ever since time immemorial, mankind has always been driven by instincts. No matter how much they try to supress it or hide behid logic instincts always comes first before logical thinking kicks in.

"Hachi-kun, look, look!" Nejire said, bringing me out of my daily monologue as the sound of curtain being pulled aside entered my ears making me turn to her.

"Isn't good?" Nejire asked as she proudly presented her swimsuit clad self from the changing room.

"Looks good. Try out the teal-colored one or the white one you brought with you. I think those colors fits you better." I suggested with a perfect poker face.

"Okay~!" Nejire happily said as she pulled the curtains close.

What? You think I'm going to describe her swimsuit clad body to you horndogs? Go look up other girls instead in the internet. You'd find a lot more less clothed girls and at the legal age too!

"How's this one Hikigaya?" Takeyama-senpai pulled open the curtains as did a little twirl. I ignored how she deliberately bounced on her heels to coerce a pair of something to to do the same. What a bleak future you have there, sempai... Trying to use sex appeal to get a better reaction from an eight year old kid? You should be ashamed of yourself.

"Ha-chan, look at my swimsuit too~!" Awata senpai said as she figured it's now her turn.

Boing~ Boing~

Hell no. Absolutely not. I'm not looking.

"Mou! Ha-chan look at me!"

"Senpai, you look like a slut." I said with my eyes up in the ceiling.

"Ha-chan, that's not a nice thing to say to people and this is only a normal two-piece bikini."

Sure, but with your body even if it's entirely blue should have no business belonging to a middle schooler so I beg to differ! And jokes on you, I'm aware of what a normal two-piece bikini looks like.

Past me educated me pretty well and gained the power to delete history from existence and as a perk bonus after repeted use I unlocked the incognito mode power.

"Try something else less showy."

"Mou! Fine~! And I wanted to be the mature onee-san~" With the sound her curtains closing, I finally brought my head down, only to see Takeyama-sempai's expecting look.

"So? What do you think?" She asked with a smirk.

I sighed.

This is going to be a long one... and I haven't even gotten to look for swimming trunks to wear.


Like every beach episode for all the depraved out there. It always opens with the line...

""It's the beach!"" Nejire, the two sempai's and Komachi excitedly yelled while jumping in the air for no reason.

Whaaaaaat? Is it really?

I then felt a hand gently ruffle my hair and I looked up to see my father smiling down at me.

"Go on and join them, kid. You and the others had a though week with your exams. Your mother and I will set up our spot. Go enjoy yourself."

"Hachi-kun, make sure you tell the girls that we'll have lunch in an hour okay?" My mother said as she, Mrs. Hado and Mr. Hado set up our spot in the background.

"Oi. Daisuke this thing's heavy a little help?" Mr. Hado called out making my father turn and jog towards him.

"Then stop lifting things on your own!"

"I don't do second trips man!"

"Alright alright!"

I left the adults to their work and walked towards the girls.

"Onii-chan! Lets play volleyball!" Komachi being the first one to notice my approach waved.

"We haven't setup the nets yet." I said to her.

She pointed behind me, making me look back and see my parents already having a rally with my father and Mr.Hado against my mother and Mrs. Hado.

So quick!

Also... oi! What happened to setting up our spot in the beach first!?

I rubbed the bridge of my nose and brought my attention back to my sister, now with Nejire and the two sempai's.

"How about we play water volleyball instead?" Takeyama-sempai suggested.

"Sounds good, but we only brought one ball with us and its currently in use right now. Also, Komachi would have a hard time playing against us older kids." I rejected.

"Well..." Komachi trailed off before suddenly throwing her hands up and splashed everyone with water.

Alright, free for all!

What? Playing around and splashing water looks childish? I'm eight. So...

"Kya! Hachi-kun! I thought we're allies!" Nejire sputtered after taking a face full of seawater.

Heh, welcome to ancient Rome bitch!


"Itadakimasu!" Everyone thanked as we all digged in on the barbecue skewers made by my father and Mr. Hado.

"Thank you for lending us your sunscreen lotion, Mrs. Hado." Awata-sempai gratefully said making Mrs. Hado chuckle.

"No worries, Awata-san. It would be a shame to have both you and Takeyama-san get unpleasant memories of your summer vacation, you know?" Mrs. Hado said while enjoying her skeewers and a few slices of pineapple.

For those of you who are disappointed about the missing sunscreen event, it's because there wasn't any. Everyone put on theirs in the changing rooms near the beach like any reasonable person.

This isn't anime you disgusting weebs. This is real life! Also these girls with me are in middleschool and with my imouto at primary! My mother and Mr.Hado are off limits too you depraved sickos!

Angry? Good! Let the hate flow through you.

"So Hachi-kun, have you decided which hero school you're enrolling to?" Nejire asked, bringing me back to reality.

This got everyone's attention, especially Komachi.

"Onii-chan's going to U.A! All Might went there and Onii-chan's going there too!" Komachi proudly stated.


"Really!? That's great Hachi-kun! I really thought you're picking Shiketsu." Nejire said as she gleefully glomped me which made it difficult to catch her due to her swimsuit.

I know you're watching Mr. And Mrs. Hado. My hands are up and not touching her, see?

"Oi, watch it!" Takeyama-senpai said, barely catching her plate when Nejire nearly knocked it off her lap.

"Well, that's decided then!" My father said, in the background.

"So we're finally breaking out the training gear prototypes?" Mr. Hado said, getting a nod from my father.

The what?

"Yup! Once Komachi-chan asks, her Onii-chan gives!" My mother and Mrs. Hado giggled to themselves

Takeyama-sempai just straight went for the point and laugh, while Awata-sempai looked like it was her birthday.

Oi. I'm not spineless-!

"You will right, Onii-chan?" Komachi asked with a hopeful look on her face.



Chapter 9 End

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