As Jaycee was playing beer pong with Monty and the others Octavia had walked up to her and pulled her aside. "Hey I need you to cover for me"

Jaycee smirked as she whispered "Lincoln?"

Octavia nodded

Jaycee then smiled and nodded

Octavia hugged the girl.

"Okay go, I'll cover you, you deserve to see him O." Jaycee said.

Octavia then thanked the girl and snuck out.


Jaycee started to get a little sick from drinking Monty's moonshine so she stuck with water when someone had walked up to her.


Jaycee gave him no response.

"You can't ignore me forever." Bellamy told the girl.

Jaycee then got up and walked away. But Bellamy had grabbed her by the wrist. "Cmon, we have to talk about it sometime, Octavia and I talked it out."

Jay scoffed, "you and her talked it out? As in you both talked? Or only you talked?" She stared at him. "See that's your problem, you never know when to shut the hell up" Bellamy looked at the girl and let go of her.

She was beginning to walk away. "I'm sorry." He yelled out.

She then stopped. And looked at him for a second

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me Blake" then continued to walk away.


Jaycee didn't want to drink anymore but it didn't mean she still couldn't have fun. A table with Delinquents around it flipping metal parts into cups.

Clarke was having a fun time, "You're not gonna get this one." She had told her opponents

"Yes I am." Fox smiled and concentrated.

"No. It's not happening." Clarke told the girl.

Then Fox gets it in and group cheers. "Woohoo! All right!" Clarke sighs and laughs and takes the drink.

Jaycee was next to the girl and laughed. "What do you know? Her highness can actually party. I like it." She smiled at Clarke.

"Yes me too, I'm glad her highness also has a party side." A delinquent they were playing with said.

Clarke looked at him. "So, what are you gonna do when the guard comes down and commandeer Monty's still?" She asked him.

"Build another one" he smirked at the two girls.

Clarke smiled at them, "All right. You ready?" She then tries to balance metal piece on nose. "Oh. No. Wait. I have done this before, I promise." She laughs and so does everyone else. She then drops it and the Finn catches it. "What is it?" She asked her lover boy who is also ravens boyfriend.

Finn had looked at Clarke first, "Let's take a walk." Then jaycee "you too" Jaycee had then nodded at his request.

Clarke had apologized to the two delinquents and the three of them went somewhere private. "Did something happen?" Clarke asked the boy.

He then quickly told them. "I need you to come with me, but I can't tell you why okay?"

"Finn, tell me why." Finn tries to pull her away from the crowd. "Hey. Don't." Jaycee shook her head.

"Maybe we should go with him" hinting that it had something to do with Lincoln.

Finn then sighed. "I set up a meeting with the Grounders" he finally told them.

The Unwanted Child {1}Where stories live. Discover now