You frown and continue walking. Caden continues walking alongside you. You really do want so badly to take him with you but that... wouldn't work.

"Aren't you worried?" Caden suddenly asks.

You blink.

"About Hunter? He's been gone for a while. What if he found the blood before we did?" Caden says.

"I don't think so. Titans blood is usually in one area." You say.

"You sure?" He asks.

"I'm sure." You say.

As you continue to walking you begin to hear something flowing, you look up ahead and see something. Your eyes widen and you pick up the pace. Caden looks up at you and follows you.

"What? Do you see it?" He exclaims.

"I think so! Come on!" You grab his arm.

"Geez! Don't rush me!" He says.

"Who was it who kept asking if we're there yet? Aren't you excited?" You smile and continue running.

"Okay okay!" Caden says.

You run up and then to your surprise. You see a small lake of dark blue liquid. Your eyes shimmer and a big grin spreads across your face. Caden looks at you and grins too.

"What you smiling for? Wasn't it you who said titans blood is useless?" You giggle.

"Nothing!" Caden exclaims and runs over to it.

You catch up and run over with him. He leans down next to the small lake of titans blood. You lean down next to him and look at it.

"Oh my Titan! This is so much!" You grin.

"What is it you need it for?" He asks.

"That's a secret." You say.

"Oh sure be all mysterious again. I love it when you do that." He grumbles and folds his arms.

"Shoot. I wish I had something to put it in! Why didn't I think of that!? Ummm..." You mumble and go through your bag.

"You really came this unprepared?" Caden says.

"Shut up!" You say going through your bag.

"Damn it!" You say.

"What if you soak it in something? Like a piece of cloth? Or something?" Caden says.

"Yes! Great idea. Good job Caden." You say and rip a piece of your jacket off.

He smiles brightly, and watches you rip a piece of your jacket off.

You ball it up and dip it into the little lake. The cloth sits and absorbs all the blood into it. After a few moments you pull it up and shove it in your pocket.

"Blood ball." You smirk.

"Funny name." Caden raises an eyebrow.

You hear running footsteps right behind you guys and you quickly turn around. Caden turns around quickly and grins.

"Look he's back!" Caden tugs on your sleeve and grins.

Hunters standing there catching his breath. He wipes the sweat off his forehead and looks over at us. He swallows and nods.

"Ugh- um. Hey. Sorry I took so long." Hunter says.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're alright." You say and stand up and walk over to him.

You hold the sides of his arms and smile. He smiles a little at you, you watch his cheeks go pink. Caden tugs on Hunters sleeve.

"We found the blood, look." Caden points.

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