Forever Fall

273 4 2

Friday 11:40Am

Forever Fall forest

Dante, Nero, Kyrie and teams RWBY, JNPR, and CRDL accompanied by Glynda all arrived at Forever Fall for their field trip.

Nero: Nice forest.

Dante: Yeah, real big fan of the red leaves everywhere.

Glynda: Yes everyone, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful, but we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has ask us to collect a few samples of the sap from the trees deep inside this forest and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so. Now, each of you is to gather 1 jar worth of red sap from the trees. However, the forest is full with the creatures of Grimm and the demons, which is why I brought Dante and Nero here along with us. Although, I do expect you to be able to handle yourselves if any of you come across these threats. We will rendezvous here at 4 o'clock, have fun!

Cardin: *grabs Jaune* C'mon buddy, let's go. 

Jaune looks over at his teammates and sees Phyrra looking back at him. He looks down sadly and walks off with team CRDL. Phyrra also sighs sadly and walks with the rest of team JNPR. Dante and Nero both looked at each other with a hint of concern.

Dante: I'll stay with team JNPR incase Cardin's planning something with Jaune, you stay with team RWBY and help them if they need.

Nero: Yeah, yeah, I'm on it.

Both Dante and Nero went with the teams and kept an eye on them. With Dante, he was helping Phyrra with collecting the sap from the trees by hitting the sample collectors into place with the bottom piece of DSD, while Ren and Nora worked together, although it was more, Ren collected the sap and Nora finished the freshly collected jar in literally 3 seconds, which annoys Ren. With Nero however, he was just chilling next to a tree until Yang came and took him to collect some more sap in extra jars, she had brought with her, Nero didn't care and helped her out with them. She did sneak a few glances at him, but he didn't notice and so nothing was said. Ruby, Weiss, and Blake only watched as they collected sap. Ruby and Weiss were wondering why Yang was trying to flirt with Nero even though he already had a girlfriend, Blake meanwhile was fantasizing Nero, Kyrie, and Yang having a three-way relationship. Back with Dante and Phyrra, they were talking about Jaune while the chaos behind them unfolded.

Dante: Still thinking about Jauney boy?

Phyrra: Hm? Oh, yes, I am.

Dante: You gotta thing for him or something? *chuckles*

Phyrra: E-eh?! No, I-I mean, well, I'm just worried for him, that's all.

Dante: I know you are, but listen, I've only met him 3 weeks ago, but I can already tell that he isn't one to truly turn his back on his friends and team.

Phyrra: Y-you really think so?

Dante: Trust me, if he did, he wouldn't be fighting Cardin and his boys right now.

Phyrra: Yeah, I guess so. *sudden realization of word choice by Dante* Wait what do you mean by-

Suddenly Phyrra's question was interrupted by three guys screaming like girls and running from something in the forest getting everyone's attention.

Dante: Of course, I could be wrong. 

Russel, Sky, and Dove all ran past the teams like something was chasing them.

Russel: Ursa! Ursa! *bumps into Yang*

Yang: What, Where?!

Sky: Not just and ursa, a demon too!

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