Mission 1: Criminal Trouble

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Four sharply dressed men in black suits and red ties all walk into a dust shop, lead by another man wearing a white coat and walking around with a cane.

???: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late at night?

One of the robbers hold a gun to the owner's head.

Owner: Wait, please, just take my money.

???: Calm down, we're not here for your money. turns to the others Grab the dust.

The robbers start to bring jars to different tubes filled with powerful dust. They fill these jars up then grab another one. One of the robbers takes notice of a girl with a red hood and black battle skirt reading a book. He draws his sword to her direction.

Robber#1: Alright kid, put your hands where I can see them.

no response.

Robber#1: Hey I said hands in the air. You got a death wish or something?

He pulls off her hood to realize she's wearing headphones. He gestures to take them off.

???: Yes?

Robber#1: Put your hands in the air!

???: Are you robbing me?

Robber#1: Yes!

???: Oh!

What this robber did not know, was this was Ruby Rose, a student at the top of her class in her combat school. This would become apparent as she kicks him into the wall behind him. Another robber comes and aims pistol at her head. This is short lived as he is immediately kicked through the window and the others look through to see just what was going on. It's when they see Ruby's weapon, "Cresent Rose" start to unfold into a giant scythe. She twirls it around and slams it into the ground as if she was ready for combat and braced to engage the robbers.

Meanwhile down the street

A white van with a blue neon sign sits on the side of the road and three of our main characters are conversing.

Nero: So this is Vale huh?

Nico: Gotta say, it ain't too different from Red Grave. 

Kyrie: Maybe not, but we should still be careful.

Nero: Maybe so, hey what's that up ahead?

They all look ahead to see a guy in a white suit facing a girl in a black battle skirt and two guy one wearing a red trench coat and the other wearing a black trench coat.

Nico: Wait, don't they look-

Nero: Familiar, yeah. Grabs Red Queen I'll be back.

Kyrie: Careful Nero pecks him on the cheek

Nero: Don't worry, I will.

Meanwhile down the street and a few seconds earlier.

Dante and Vergil run close to the shop just as Ruby gets ready to fight the robbers.

Dante: Heh, looks like those assholes wanna play. Alright guess we got some time to kill. summons Cavaliere R Let's hit these guys, FULL THROTTLE!!

Vergil: Dante! Do not engage them so recklessly!

Too late though as Dante runs into one of the guys with Cavaliere R and he desummons it, letting him summon Devil Sword Dante and point it towards the other robbers smiling.

Dante: That's one for me.

Two other robbers try and attack ruby and Dante from the right but Vergil got close to them and knocked one of them away with Beowulf, using the hilt of the Yamato to slam the other into the ground.

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