59| Mine.

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59 | Mine.

| Sage's POV |

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"Hey, why isn't Jackson here?" Mom asked, following behind Sookie as we found our seats.

"Yeah, does he know what he's missing?" I teased, sitting in between Rory and Mom.

"I guess, he's singing to his persimmons tonight. They've been a little sour lately." Sookie replied.

"Oh, right." Mom and I said. "Right?" Dad asked, "you just accept that explanation?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we?"

"Because she just told you, the man is not here because he's singing to fruit."

"It's better than dancing with it." I muttered.

"Yeah, remember last year's watermelon crop?" Mom laughed. "Oh, oh yeah, threw his back out."

"Okay, I'm facing the screen now." Dad said. "Good idea." I told him.

"The movies already starting?" Sookie asked, watching the screen turn on. "I thought the movie started at eight"

"It does. This is just a little pre movie treat." Mom said.

Oh no.

About halfway through Kirks—creation, if you could call it, Dad decided it was best for him to get out of here. I applauded his self awareness. Sookie also ended up leaving to get Jackson. I applauded her commitment to others torture.

"I like it when he's here." Rory said, moving closer to me. "Yeah, me too." Mom nodded.

I found myself almost agreeing.  I couldn't lie, it was nice having him around more, but it still hurt every time he left.

"Let's eat!" The movie concluded, light and very forced applause went through the crowd.

"That felt like what I imagine hell to be." I mumbled.

"That makes two of us, sister." Rory said, giving me a fist bump with my good arm.

"I did the choreography." Miss Patty told us, smiling.

"Well, I'm not shocked. It's very difficult to underestimate you." I said. If she recognized the backhanded compliment, she didn't say anything about it. While mom nudged my arm, resisting the urge to laugh.

"Patty, doll, come here!" Babette said.

"I'll see you later," Patty told us. "Bye, Patty." We all said, simultaneously.

"So, how are you feeling?" Mom asked me.

I sighed dramaticly, "completely traumatized by the image of a very shirtless Kirk. My mind is forever scarred."


"I swear to god!"

All three of us looked back, hearing Patty and Babette gossiping about who knows what. "When?" Patty asked. "Last night, not long after the accident happened."

My breathing quickened at her words, now listening more intently than I had been.

"Luke walked him straight to the bus station, stuck the kid on a bus, and sent him home to his mom." Babette said.

I suddenly felt like my chest was on fire.

I couldn't hear anything after that, nothing was registering in my head. I felt my chest tightening, and my ears begin to ring. All the voices inside my head were getting louder and louder. They were screaming. Their mouths directly next to my ears.

Each breath sounded like glass breaking. Every word sounded like a gunshot piercing my head. It was too much. I couldn't think, I couldn't breath.

"I'm gonna go for a walk," I heard myself whisper.

If I heard my mom and Rory's objections, I didn't listen to them. I needed to get away from all of these people, now.

I was fine, I was fine, I was fine. But no. No I wasn't. Not right now. Now, the only thing I was capable of focusing on was my breathing. Or more so, lack thereof.

I felt my legs carry me past everyone, past my dad who called my name, passed all the people who were staring at me, past everything.

I found myself at Luke's.

Unconsciously, my shaking hands moved to the door. I felt myself knock, once, twice, three times.

I felt tears pooling in the waterline of my eyes as I clasped them shut, hard enough to make them ache.

I kept pressing, tighter and longer than I should have. My nails dug into the skin of my palms, feeling the skin begin to break.

I heard the bell ring and the door open. I felt myself look up, seeing Luke.

"Is he really gone?"

Luke's eyes were rimmed red, he hadn't been crying, but he was clearly upset. His gaze met mine and I felt myself collapse. He wrapped his arms around me, letting me just stay tucked in his chest.

I felt my lungs almost start to close in on me. And a haze began falling over my head, suffocating me. The world was getting bigger, louder. I still couldn't breath.

I felt everything coursing through my body, vibrating. My chest was tightening. My muscles felt tense, so tense. Everything was black. Blurry. I couldn't see, yet my eyes were wide open. My vision was going in and out, like I was driving through tunnels at two hundred and nine miles per hour. Lights, then black again. It was too bright, too dark.

I felt my eyes slam shut, and my hands inadvertently tighen around Luke. I felt his chin resting on my head as he held me, just letting me cry. He didn't say anything because he didn't need to. I didn't really think there were any words could help me right now. Not unless they came from him.

"I'm sorry, kid." Luke whispered.

So am I.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now