58| All Too Well.

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58 | All Too Well.

| 3rd POV |

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"Relax, mom, it's just a broken arm. I'll be fine, okay?" Sage said, stoping Lorelai from having a heart attack.

"She's right. It's not even the worst break she's had, based off her medical records. We'll keep it in a cast, and as long as she doesn't reinjure it, she should be healed in about two months." The doctor explained, finishing pitting on her cast.

"Yeah, it barely even hurts." Sage nodded.

"You have an extremely high pain tolerance, I don't trust you." Lorelei told her, kissing her forehead.

"It's not even the worst I've had, okay? Remember the broken rib? Completely shattered ankle? Broke leg? Oh! My wrist surgery? And that dislocated shoulder? The other broken ankle?" Sage listed off, trying to lessen the tension in the room.

"Why were you even in a car with Jess anyway? How could you think that was smart?" Rory asked, looking at her sister nervously.

"Rory, he's a good guy. He didn't mean for this to happen." Sage defended.

"But that it? Just her arm, everything else is fine?" Lorelai asked the doctor. "Yes, she seems perfectly healthy. Could use some more sleep though." He teased, smiling softly.

"Seems? She seems perfectly healthy—"

"Mom, stop it. I'm fine." Sage groaned, muttering a small sorry to the doctor.

"Alright Sage, I'll be right back. Just wait here, okay?" The doctor said. "Okay." She nodded as he left.

"The cars not too great," Sage whispered.

"Nobody cares about the car." Rory and Lorelai said together. Sage snorted, "Taylor will."

"Yeah, speaking of, why were you driving Taylor's car?" Rory asked. Sage looked down, sheepishly. "No reason."  They chose to ignore that.

"Jess made sure that he called the ambulance and that I was completely okay before he even talked to the police, so please don't start—"

"Let's just hear about the details later, okay?" Lorelai interrupted. "I just want you to relax now."

"You're not mad?"

"No, I'm not mad." She shook her head.

The doctor came back in shortly after, taking Sage to get ex-rays. While Lorelai told Rory to stay there, she quickly went to Luke's.

After a huge argument between the two, Luke found Jess sitting on the bridge, a cigarette blowing smoke in his hand.

He had stopped for a while for Sage. She hated when he did it. But there goes that.

"I made sure she was okay." He mumbled, his voice shakey.

Luke stared at him, the look on his face. For the first time in a while, he looked vulnerable. Terrifyingly so.

"I know you did." He replied.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Okay, you got your cats, your books, food, water, your music, is there anything else you need?"

"I'm fine, mom." Sage said, smiling.

"Besides, my legs do work, it wasn't that I broke this time." She teased.

"Yeah, yeah, now come on, get some rest."

"I'll you in the morning?" Rory asked. "Yeah." Sage nodded, watching her leave.

Lorelai ended up sleeping in Sage's room, much to her dismay. But she let it slide.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Sh, go to sleep."

A few hours later, Lorelai woke up to see Christopher in the seat next to her. They both went into the kitchen, letting Sage sleep.

"What are you doing here?"

"I uh, have a really crappy mattress at home." He replied.

"Chris," she scolded. "I drove here as fast as I could and I went to the hospital but you guys had already left, so I tried to your cellphone but all I got was the voicemail so I came here, but the place looked dark so I got the key out of the turtle and came in. But you gudy were already asleep so I just grabbed a chair and—" he was interrupted by Lorelai pulling him in for a hug.

"And apparently my evil plan worked exactly as I anticipated."

"I'm so glad you're here." She said.

"Me too." He responded.

"How's she doing?" He asked. "She's in a cast." Lorelai said. "I know." He nodded. "The doctor said she'll be fine, take if off in a couple of months. The car, which, is stolen," they both sighed, "is totally gone. I don't even wanna know how Taylors gonna take that." She laughed, dryly.

"Did you find that kid?"

"Jess?" Lorelai asked.

"Jess. Dead meat. Whatever his name is." Chris said. "No. Little ferrets hiding out somewhere, I'm sure."

"Okay, well, I'm gonna deal with the car, and whoever this Taylor is, tomorrow. And I still want to talk to the doctor if that's okay." Chris explained.

"And I'm gonna need a picture of this Jess so I don't accidentally rip the head off the wrong kid." He sighed. "Cause that'd be bad." He added on.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now