29| Better Than Revenge.

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29 | Better Than Revenge.

| Sage's POV |

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"What on earth were you doing with Paris?" I asked, walking up to Rory.

"She's staying for dinner." My sister said, making my eyebrows raise. "Are you guys friends?"

"I'd say frenemies."

"Fair," I shrugged.

At the sound of the door opening again, I felt my eyes roll.

I'm already done with people.

"Don't worry," Rory laughed, "it's Dean." I followed her as she walked up to him, his sister running up as well.
"Hi, Sage!" She smiled, waving. "Hey, Clara." I said.

"Is that a Stella McCartney?" Rory asked, nodding down to her dress.

"Victoria Secret?" I joked, earning a glare from Dean.

"It's a Walmart." She said, clearly confused. "My mom bought it for tonight."

"She's got good taste," Rory and I said, simultaneously.

"Weird," Dean and Clare muttered.

"Weird." My sister and I responded.

Out of nowhere, Dean turned around, huffing. "I didn't know he was gonna be here." I quickly assumed he was talking about Jess.

"Speaking of," I said, waving at him. Jess looked at me. "Come here," I mouthed. He raised an eyebrow, saying something to Luke before walking over to me. Dean groaned, while Rory asked what I was doing. "Relax, Miss Americana and the Heartbreak prince, it has nothing to do with you two." I rolled my eyes.

Drama queens.

"Hi," I smiled.

"Hi." He said.

"I need your help, desperately." I told him. "Oh yeah?"

I nodded, "you see that old British couple over there? I need you to go be mean to them."

"Why do I have to?"

"Cause," I shrugged. "Why can't you?" He took a step closer to me.

"Because, they're old, wrinkly, and pathetic. And I'm not mean." He scoffed. "You're mean to me?"

"You aren't old, wrinkly, and pathetic." I said, my tone blank. "Plus, you're you. Being mean to you is easy."

He sighed, "fine. You owe me."

"Sir, yes sir." I did one of those salutes, completely convinced I was using the wrong hand.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Have you ever just looked at someone and knew the wheel was turning but the hamster was dead?" I asked, my forehead creasing as I watched Kirk attempt do to the floss with Clara.

"He's the reason I think we're a waste of two billion years of evolution." Jess nodded. He was leaning against the wall beside me, his arms crossed with his sleeves rolled up.

"Bagels are just acoustic donuts." I said, tearing my eyes away from his arms.

"What?" He asked, looking at me.

I just shrugged.

"Oh!" I smiled, "what do you call a snake that's exactly 3.14 feet long?"

"Hm?" He mumbled, staring at me.

"A python," I snickered, watching as he slammed his eyes shut, groaning.

"I hate you," he said. I patted his chest, resisting the urge to keep it there. "I know." I looked back at the painting I'd been examining for the last fifteen minutes. Besides Jess, I had absolutely no entertainment. It was tragic.

"Orion's Belt is a big waist of space." I looked over at Jess, my smile softening.

"Terrible joke. Only three stars."

I immediately shook my head, placing my head in my hands. "You're horrible."

At the sound of my mom's voice, Jess and I looked ahead. "First of all I wanna welcome you to the first annual and probably never to be held again because Sookies on the verge of a nervous breakdown, Bracebridge Dinner."

"I'm fine! Everything's fine." Sookie smiled. Definitely not fine.

"I also want to thank mother nature for snowing in the Trelling Paper company in Chicago so I could throw this great party for all my friends instead. It's a very special night, and so, since I don't get to eat unbelievably strange food with my friends everyday, I've arranged a little surprise." Mom said. "Outside, as we speak, is a line of horse drawn sleighs, and everybody gets a ride."

"I have a feeling that was your idea?" Jess asked. I nodded, "they're absolutely adorable."

"So, line up. Keep it orderly. There's two per sleigh, and no cutting in front of each other. That goes for everyone." She waved everyone up.

I turned to Jess, a smile on my face. He groaned, already knowing.


"No," he said, looking anywhere but at me. "Come on! For me?" I grabbed his arm, softly tugging on it. He sighed, meeting my eyes.


We made our way outside, Jess glaring at Dean as he passed. I smacked his shoulder, "stop that."

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"Come on, Luke," I heard my mom say, trying to bait Luke into her sleigh. I smiled walking up to them, Jess following behind me like a lost puppy.

"Yeah Luke, hurry it up!" I pushed his back, inching him closer to the sleigh.

Mom laughed at me, her face dropping  a bit when she saw Jess. I ignored that. "Go on, old man. Do as the lady pleases." I teased. He mocked me, but he still got in.

Once he sat down, he looked at me, his eyes darting to Jess behind me. "You're doing this too?" He asked, dumbfounded.

"She forced me," he said.

I gasped. "I did not. You could've said no?"

He stared at me, a blank look on his face. "I tried."

"Oh, whatever," I huffed, "it's not my fault you can't say no to me." I looked up at him, smiling. His face softened, his eyes lighting up.

He's so pretty.

"I'll wait for you in the stupid sleigh," he muttered, walking away.

"Hey, get the one with the horses that have the white ribbons! Their names are Sugar and Cookie!" I called out, laughing. He groaned, tossing his head back.

I turned back to my mom and Luke, petting their horse. "Bye!" I waved. "See you," Luke said, a small smile on his face. "Bye," mom said.

I looked around, locking my eyes on Jess. I made my way over to him, saying hi to Clara and Dean on the way. "Did she take your guy?" I teased Rory. She laughed, rolling her eyes.

I walked over to Jess, who was standing by two horses.

The ones with the white ribbons.

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𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒 | 𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐬Where stories live. Discover now