12| The Way I Loved You.

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12 | The Way I Loved You.

| 3rd POV |

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"Well don't you look perfect," Lorelai teased, watching as Sage walked up to her. They were at the Debutant Ball, currently waiting for Rory to finish getting ready.

Sage took a breath, "I hate this. This stupid dress is too tight, it's pushing on my chest, practically cutting off the air to my lungs. There are like a hundred people in here and I feel like absolutely everyone is judging me. It's freezing, and I'm stuck in a short black dress with nothing covering half my body, thanks to you," her eyes narrowed at her mom, who smiled. "My eye lashes are practically being glued down with how much mascara you put on me. My face feels gross. This necklace is freaking choking me. My hair is pissing me off, endlessly. My braclets are too loose and I keep panicking because I feel like they're about to slide off. Everyone's trying to talk to me. My senses are having a seizure, my nerves are having a heart attack, my blood vessels are expanding. I think I have a fever. My nose is ichy but I can't touch it. My hands are shaking and my legs are trembling because I forget to eat earlier. And I look really dumb."

"Woah sister, breath." Lorelai grabbed her hands, pulling her over to the corner of the room.

"Okay, first of all, you look absolutely gorgeous." She said, as Christopher stepped away, being called to get Rory. "Secondly, just try and relax, okay? We only have to be here for another few hours. Third, how in the world did you forget to eat? You're a Gilmore."

Sage laughed, her body still tense, "I got distracted, studying."

"Figures," her mom smiled.

Sage took a  few deep breaths, begging herself to calm down. There were just so many people, she felt like she was suffocating.

"Did you take your meds this morning?" Lorelai asked, brushing a piece of hair behind her daughters ear. She nodded in reply, "they aren't helping."

Lorelai watched as she fiddled with her hands, counting to ten, then going backwards. Over and over.

After a few moments, Lorelai had to step away to talk to her mother, while Sage stayed in the corner, leaning against the wall. She kept repeating numbers in her head, resorting to multiplying numbers by themselves, one by one. After that got old, she loved to dividing. And after that she mapped out every emergency exit in the room.

"Are you alright?"

She turned her head to the side, seeing a guy, around her age, walking up to her. He was tall, dirty blonde, with bright amber colored eyes. The suit he was wearing was traditional, his hands tucked comfortably into his pockets.

"Yeah," Sage replied, trying her best to pull a smile onto her face. "Just not good with people."

He nodded, meeting her eyes. "I'm guessing this really isn't your scene then?" His hands were in front of him, intertwined. He seemed like someone who was very used to things like these. "Not at all," she shook her head.

"Then I take it you aren't here by choice?" He smiled softly. "No, not really. I'm only here for my sister. How about you?"

"My family makes me come to things like this. They're very—" he paused, trying to find the right word, "traditional. You could say."

Sage couldn't understand how this would be considered traditional for anyone, but she wasn't one to judge.

She smiled a bit, looking down. "So, you're here to find a girl?"

"According to my parents," he looked at her. "Yes."

"And how's that going for you?" She turned her body towards his, relishing in the feeling of calmness surrounding him.

He stayed quiet for a second. "I'm not sure. I'm not very good at this." His eyes were directed behind Sage, towards the stairway.

She smiled politely, "well, good luck."

"Ladies and gentleman, good evening. If everyone please take their seat, we're about to get started with the presentation of our Debutantes."

Sage's eyes looked around for her mom, but she couldn't seem to find her.

"Hey," the guy next to her paused, silently asking. "Sage." She said, looking back at him.

"Sage," he smiled, "I'm Wesley."

"Would you mind if I stayed over here with you? I don't particularly feel like listening to my parents parade me just yet." He chuckled, but Sage could tell he was serious.

"No, of course not. You're actually doing me a favor. Now I won't look like an idiot standing alone." She teased.

He thanked her, as they watched everyone take their places.

≻───── ⋆✩⋆ ─────≺

"Thank you for standing with me," Sage smiled, slowing to a stop beside Wesley.

"Thank you for allowing me."

Locking her eyes on her family, she looked back over to him. "I should go. It was nice to meet you."

"You too," he smiled. "Maybe I'll see you around sometime."

"Yeah, maybe."

"You looked beautiful," Sage smiled, making her way up next to Rory, Dean, Lorelai, and Christopher as they left. "Maybe a bit like a q-tip, but beautiful nonetheless." Rory laughed, linking arms with her sister.

"Who," Rory smiled, glancing behind her, "was that?"

"That," Sage began, "was Wesley Hendrix."

"Hendrix? As in Aubrey and James?" Rory asked, Sage nodded. "I've heard grandma talk about them a few times."

"I'm more curious about why you were with him?" Lorelai grinned, a teasing attitude lacing her voice.

Sage's eyes rolled, "relax. He's not my type." She sighed dramatically, "too classy."

Rory and Sage looked at each other, both breaking out into laughter.

"I'm confused," Dean sighed, watching the two of them.

"I've learned not to question anything these three do anymore." Christopher nodded.

"That's probably for the best," Sage said.

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