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song suggestions

"paint the town red'' by doja cat

"Smooth Criminal" by Michael Jackson

"Criminal" by Fiona Apple

"Dangerous" by David Guetta ft. Sam Martin

"Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish

steve: calm down maya we will catch him again calm down 

maya: fuck that man he was looking right into my eyes piercing through my soul telling me that i failed in thousands of language i dont even know exist 

maya: i will take my revenge kim taehyung just wait and watch. Max did you get the address they usually goes 

max: ofc i got it they go to xyz club every weekend. 

maya: book this for us also on this weekend and girls lets go shopping for this party 

ava: amazing girl lets go tomorrow 

next morning 

The air, in the high end mall cafeteria is filled with the smell of brewed coffee and the lively conversations of shoppers. Maya finds herself in line, at the counter her gaze scanning the crowd. Gripping a to go coffee cup she patiently waits for her order.

well lucky her never knew she will get her revenge unknowingly this quick although its not going to full fil her desires fully but it wills satisfy her a little and she will calm down a little. because Taehyung is also here for god knows the reason  

Amidst the cafeteria Maya's path unexpectedly guides her towards Taehyung's table. Their eyes meet, instantly recognizing one another. A palpable tension lingers as she approaches him. Maya carefully considers her options before making a move. 

Maya(smirking): (whispering to herself) Perfect timing.

In a bold, impulsive move, Maya tilts her coffee cup ever so slightly, causing its contents to spill onto the front of Taehyung's pristine white suit 

Taehyung: (startled, standing up) Damn it!

The hot coffee stains spread across Taehyung's shirt, and he quickly unbuttons his suit jacket to assess the damage. He looks furious as he tries to dab the coffee away with a napkin.

Maya (innocently): (with faux concern) Oh my, I'm so sorry. It was an accident.

Taehyung: (narrowing his eyes at her) Accident, my ass.

Maya (smirking): Well, you should be more careful. Accidents happen, especially in crowded places like this.

Taehyung glares at maya, his dark eyes filled with suspicion. The tension between them escalates, but neither is willing to back down. The other patrons in the cafeteria are now stealing glances at the unexpected drama unfolding before them.

Taehyung: (through gritted teeth) You did that on purpose.

Lucia: (leaning in, her voice low) Did I, now? Maybe I just wanted to give you a taste of what it's like to be caught off guard.

Taehyung and Maya stand there, locked in a battle of wills, the coffee-stained shirt serving as a symbol of their fierce rivalry. As the tension between them sizzles, the other shoppers watch, unknowingly witnessing the sparks of an unexpected connection that could change everything.

Little did they know, this "accidental" encounter in the mall cafeteria was the beginning of a dangerous game neither of them had anticipated playing

it takes a lot of time to think and write at the same time vote and comment your responses thanks 

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