Starfire blast threw Plasmus pulling Cyborg out they were covered in a green goo, you were on the ground with Robin, Plasmus was nonstop of throwing substance of himself one was heading towards robin, you quickly pushed him out the way making yourself the target of Plasmus substance which attached to you soon starting to spread all over you. "Gross, gross, gross." You kept repeating Robin throws another freezing gadget at the mini Plasmus, when frozen Robin broke you out of Plasmus grasp before he unfroze "My hero." You said in a sarcastic tone "I'll always be." Robin says as he gives you a wink. Raven started to get tired of the fight "Lets end this, Azarath Metrion Zinthos." As she spoke the words her internal self  went into Plasmus causing him to explode but to be back in his normal human self. Raven was covered in substances of Plasmus "Um nice work Raven." Robin complimented, "Who wants pizza?" Raven spoke with a smile 

After eating pizza a debate started on who gets the last slice, "I deserve the last slice I was covered in goo." "No way dude I totally deserve the last slice I got sneezed on." Beast boy argued with Cyborg, "I flew threw the goo, the slice is mine." Starfire threaten making her the winner of the last slice. "Your awfully quiet." You said to Raven, "Just enjoying hanging out with my friends." She replied. The Titans were walking in the park Beast boy then gasp which startled Raven "Find a penny pick it up, umm something, something good luck. It's my lucky day." "Anyone up for an extreme stank ball game after lunch?" Cyborg offered "Yeah sure." Raven said surprisingly willing to play, "But you hate anything extreme or stanky." Beast boy reasoned "Maybe I never gave it a chance." "Raven do you still have time in joining me in painting of the toe nails later today?" Starfire asked, "Sounds like fun." "Okay Raven what gives? Pancakes, pizza, stank ball, toe nails?" "Yeah and she hasn't called me stupid all day." Beast boy added to Robin list "Oh now that definitely a change." You commented, "I just want everyone to have a nice day today, come on we have a lot to do before sunset." But then the sun was being blocked sorta like a solar eclipse.

Raven then started groaning in pain as symbols appeared on her, "Raven why didn't you tell us?" "Today is the day?" Robin and Starfire asked, "Its the end of the world." Raven spoke softly as tears formed in her eyes, The Titans go back to the tower Cyborg is carrying Raven "Okay everyone just as we planned." "Where are you taking me?" Raven questioned "You said there was nothing we can do, we didn't agree so we've been preparing for this day." Robin puts his hand on the pad wall to unlock the door, "You did all this for me?" "Were ready to take on Trigon." Robin responded, "No you can't be, just go saves yourselves." "And where are we supposed to go? No place is worth staying then here." You spoke, "Our plan is simple, Raven you are the portal Trigon needs you to take over the Earth." "But if Trigon can't get to the portal then he can't take over." Cyborg said after Robin "So we all must do is keep the Trigon from getting to Raven." Starfire says, Raven sighs "You can't." "We will." Robin stated

"You'll be safe in here everything is ready I installed all the latest state of the art technology, nothing alive is getting in here." Cyborg said as he put down Raven, "And these symbols should keep out everything else, we took them out of your books." Starfire showed her the book but some of the pages fell out "This is all great but it's not going to make a difference today the prophecy will be fulfilled. Trigon is coming there's no stopping him." "There has never been a villain we couldn't stop before." Robin stated "Trigon isn't a villain he is the incarnation of evil, the source of all darkness the-." "Okay bad dude we get it." Beast boy cut off Raven "No you don't, you don't know Trigon." "And Trigon doesn't know the Titans, stay in here we'll be watching from up there if you need us." After Robin spoke the Titans left the room, but before you could leave you run up to Raven giving her a photo of the whole team together smiling "I know its not much but just remember you have a family who loves you, see it as a sign of luck." You then ran back to the Titans "All the luck in the world won't help us now." Raven spoke

The Titans are in the watch view of Raven's safe room "So far everything seems normal." "Yup just your normal last day on Earth." Beast boy agreed with Cyborg "Its no one's last day." Robin spoke up "Everything is going to be okay yes?" Starfire asked "I hope so." You responded to Starfire "Trigon has contacted her, we must assist." "She is the safest if she stays in there." "Robins right, besides we got company." Cyborg stated, the Titans go outside of the tower ready to fight "Slade we are ready for you." Robin spoke "Give me the girl." Slade demanded "No way." "You don't really have a choice in the matter, I'm taking her." "Oh yeah, with you and what army?" Beast boy questioned, a whole army of flamed soldiers emerged from the ground. Cyborg and you side eye Beast boy "You just had to ask." Cyborg glared towards him 

"Attack!" Slade commanded, Robin went after Slade when the Titans fought the fire army. You were surrounded left and right, every time one of the flame soldiers moves their arm it was like a whip of fire coming at you. You snapped your fingers cutting the flame soldiers in half making them disappeared but then more came from under ground "This may be beyond us." "Please don't talk like that." You continued to run and take down a few flame soldiers but they just kept on coming back. "No one is getting in here!" You hear Cyborg yell as he pushed a button that sent electrical wires to connect with him, using all the energy from the tower gives him a super giant sonic cannon he shot it towards Slade and his army. The dust cleared the air and the army was gone but Slade was still standing bringing forth a new flame army. 

The Titans went to go fight again, you were fighting right along side Cyborg "They won't just stay down!" He yelled "It's fine we can still take them." "But what if?" He spoke, you turned his way "And if so?" He took a minute to look at you "Then so be it, as long as I'm with you that's a pretty good ending."In the moment you took down flame soldiers behind Cyborg while he used his sonic cannon shooting behind you. However, several flame soldiers took down Cyborg "Cyborg!" You yelled, then a solider flame was holding you up, you teleport out of their grip to be taken down by another the more you teleport and get captured the more the flames hurt "There is no use in fighting just accept your fate." It took about four flame soldiers to hold you down "Stop! I will go with you." Raven walked out 

The flame soldiers let you all go "You need to get back in the safety room, please." Starfire tried to reason "I can't hide from my destiny any longer." Raven used her powers to put you all asleep later on the Titans started to wake up again, the army was gone. "Dude we were just trying to help her." Beast boy spoke "I feel like it's too late to help her now." "It's never too late." Robin said back to Starfire "She's making her way to the old library." "Lets go then." You quickly flew up heading towards the library the rest of the Titans followed. When finally reaching the library the Titans started to fight through the flame army, the army then disappeared "It has already begun and there is no stopping of what is meant to be." Raven spoke

"You willing to give up on everything? All because of a prophecy you heard when you were a child, what if it's wrong?" "Robin, I know what I know." She answers "I don't accept that, you can take control, you can make it not happened." "I have known my whole life that this day was going to come, I tried to control my dark side, I tried to do good things to define evil. Hoping that will make up for the horrible thing I have to do." "But no one knows their destiny there is so many possible outcome to just pick one." You spoke up, "There are some things I didn't know like how I would make such wonderful friends all I wanted was to make you last day perfect instead you spent it worrying about me." You grabbed her hands to hold them close to you "That is what friends are for." But she let go "And as my friends you should let me go.", Raven put up a force field to keep the team away from her. Each one of you tried to get through, you kept trying to teleport but repeatedly hit the force field you tried over and over again, "Don't do this! Were here, I'm here!" Not even your telekinesis had an effect "(Y/N), Its okay." Robin grabbed your wrist having you turn away from Raven, he hold you tight comforting you. Raven spoke the ritual opening the portal having Trigon come out of it "The Earth is mine!" Trigon yelled

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