epilog 3:chicken

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"I have to show you something!"Blaze said excitedly as he pulled Taufan towards his chickens house.

"What is it?"Taufan asked as they stopped.

"Let me call them first."Blaze said and made some chicken noises which made the chicken came.

"How did he-"Taufan shook his head."The real question is...why the hell are they so big!?"

"Good boy."Blaze said as he patted the chicken's head.

"Why are they so big..?"Taufan asked with both disbelief and concern in his voice.

"What do you mean? They are as big as they always are."Blaze replied.

Taufan looked at him in disbelief and stared at the giant chickens around him.

They were as big as Blaze was, and their claws were more like the claws of a tiger than a chicken.

"Are they even real chickens..?"Taufan asked.

"Of course they are!"Blaze replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But they are huge."Taufan stated.

Blaze gasped dramatically and patted his chickens. "Don't listen to him, he knows nothing about chicken."

"I'm not saying that they are fat, but that they are huge in height! They  litterally have the same height as you!"Taufan replied.

"Same thing!"Blaze claimed.

"You gotta be kidding me.."He mumbled.

"Anyways- let me show you what I actually wanted to show before."Blaze climbed on one of the chickens and sat on them. "Who need horse when they have chickens!"He smiled brightly as he held onto his chicken to keep balance.

"I-...nevermind."Taufan sighed.

"Wanna go on a ride?"Blaze asked which caught Taufan's attention.

"Definitely!"Taufan climbed on a another chicken and they rode around the house.

Eventually they decided to have a race, then have a talent show afterwards.

"What else can they do?"Taufan asked with excitement. He had long forgotten about his concerns and was more excited.

"Watch this!"Blaze threw a stick onto the air and the chickens burned it with their fire breath.

"Woah, so cool!"Taufan said in awe, not even bothering how it made sense.

"That was only the basic! They can do way more than that!"Blaze said proudly.

"Show me!"Taufan shouted.


Blaze them proceeds to do a whole talentshow with his chickens.

One chicken was good in dancing, the other one was good at shooting, another one knew how to draw and many more.

It was more like a free circus show rather than a talent show.

"How did you train them??"Taufan asked.

"I have my ways."Blaze grinned.

"And their size?"He asked.

"I only give them the best of the best!"Blaze claimed.

"And that is..?"Taufan asked, feeling like there was something wrong with it.

"I will just show you. It's time to feed them anyway."He replied.

They went back to the chicken house and Blaze brought five bags with blood leaking from it.

"Is that what I think it is..?"Taufan mumbled.

"Fresh human meat!"Blaze shouted which quickly caught the chickens attention and they all immediately surrounded him.

"There,there. There are more than enough for all of you."Blaze threw the bags on the ground and all of them immediately ripped it open and ate it without hesitation.

Taufan looked away, feeling sick as he saw the human body pieces.

"You okay?"Blaze asked.

"Yeah, just a bit..sick."Taufan said while trying his best to not puke.

"Why do I keep forgetting that he is a pshyco..?"Taufan thought, regretting his question earlier.

I'm sorry for the short chapter. I didn't have anymore idea ;-;

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