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"Good morning everyone!"Taufan said happily

"Good morning"

"I have a great idea!"Taufan said happily

"What is it?"Gempa asked

"How about we go to the beach?"Taufan asked

"Sure"Gempa agreed

"No thank you"Thorn replied

"Don't want to"Halilintar replied

"Why not???It will be fun!"Taufan said trying to convince them

"I'm a demon,people will freak out when they see me"Halilintar explained

"I don't want to go a place where there might be other people than us"Thorn explained his reason

"Aw man...."

"We still have a lot to do"Gempa said trying to cheer him up"We need to renovate the house remember?It's not the best free time activity,but I'm sure we could make it more fun"

"I guess..."Taufan said unmotivated

After they ate,they went to renovate the house along with Thorn too

"You guys have powers too???"Thorn asked in surprise

"Yeah!"Taufan said cheerfully"You too?"

"Yes...I can control plants"

"So cool!"

"It's not that helpful as yours and Gempa's power though..."

"What are you saying?Ofcourse It's helpful!"

"Taufan is right,you can use your power to decorate the garden"Gempa said with a smile

"You're right...I will make the garden look nice!"Thorn said happily

They continued to renovate,but after a while they ran out of wood planks,so Halilintar and Gempa went to get more while Taufan and Thorn decorated the garden

"You can summon so many kind of plant!"Taufan said,amazed from Thorn's power

"I can only summon plants that I have encountered"Thorn said

"It's still cool!"

They continued to decorate,but an hour passed and Halilintar and Gempa still hasn't returned

"Let's go check on them,maybe they need help"Taufan said

They were surprised to see Halilintar and Gempa getting atacked when they arrived there

"Hali!"Taufan shouted and ran up to him

He used his power and summoned a strong wind currents to push the attacker

"Are you guys okay?"Taufan asked with worry in his tone

"Watch out!"Thorn shouted and summoned a shield made out of plants

"Get out of my way!"The attacker yelled

"Why the hell are you attacking them!?"Taufan yelled back

"I'm saving that boy from the demon!"

"Saving?I was completely safe with him!"Gempa replied

"Safe?With a demon!?Are you out of your mind!?"The attacker yelled

"You're the one that is out of your mind!"Taufan yelled back

The two of them kept arguing and attacking each other while Thorn healed Gempa and Halilintar

" can heal Thorn?"Gempa asked in amazement

"Yeah"Thorn replied and continued to heal their wounds

"Agrh!"Taufan winced in pain as he got hit with a knife

"Taufan!"Gempa shouted and ran to him

Thorn also went to him and healed his wound.While Thorn was healing Taufan,Gempa attacked the attacker,blocking his was with a huge wall of earth and ran away with the other

"Is everyone alright?"Gempa asked and everyone nodded,meaning that they were all safe

"What was that for!?"Taufan asked and he was really irritated

"It's my fault,they attacked us because I'm a demon"Halilintar replied

Taufan looked at Halilintar and his gaze soften"'s not your fault...that guy was just a maniac"

"That won't change the fact that he attacked us because he wanted to kill me"Halilintar said

"Doesn't matter!He is the one that attacked us!He is the evil one here!"Taufan said and the other agreed with him

They decided to go back home and rest.

"Taufan?What are you doing?"Thorn asked confused

"I'm training!I'm gonna beat him when he comes back!"

"I'm sure he won't find us"Gempa replied"We were far away from our house to get woods"

"You never know"

Taufan continued to train while the other continued doing their thing.Gempa was sewing a new set of clotches for Thorn while Halilintar and Thorn sat in the garden and enjoying the weather.

Halilintar stood up and went to the river.He was catching some fish when he suddenly got shot with an arrow


"Hah!I got you!"The attacker said and got out of hiding

"You again..."

"What?Did you think that you got rid of me that easily?"The attacker said with a mocking tone

"The hell do you want?"

"I want you dead"

The attacker was gonna stab Halilintar with a sword,but luckily Gempa came and trapped him in a cage made out of earth

"Hali!"Taufan shouted as he ran up to him

Taufan growled and was ready to attack the attacker,but Gempa stopped him

"Let me at him!"Taufan yelled

"No!I know he hurted Hali,but you can't kill him"Gempa said and held him firmly,so he won't be able to attack

Gempa and Taufan fot into an argument while Thorn was busy healing Halilintar's wound

After healing him,Thorn looked at the cage,but it was empty



"The attacker is gone..."

"Ugh!Just great!Now I lost the chance to kill him!"

"How many times do I have to tell you that you can't kill him"

"I don't care!"

"Stop fighting"Halilintar said strictly"Let's just go home"

They all agreed and went home.Gempa and Taufan didn't talk to each other for an hour,but they eventually apologized and got along again

"We have to make sure that that guy won't be able to hurt Halilintar again!"Taufan said and Gempa agreed

They were both talking about a way to protect Halilintar while Halilintar himself didn't seem to care about what had just happened and went to sleep

"They seem to really care about Halilintar,but Halilintar not...."Thorn thought to himself as he watched their behaviour towards each other"But Hali isn't using them....he did say that I couldn't trust him,because he can't care about me....I'm sure he said the same thing to them,but why do they care so much about him...?"
I hope you enjoyed ^^

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