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I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake,feel free to correct me ^^
A week has passed and Gempa's wound has finally healed.During that time Halilintar and Gempa barely talk and just did their thing.

"I don't have anywhere to go....but I can't stay here forever..."Gempa thought to himself and looked through the window

He saw Halilintar taking a nap next to the grave.He looked completely peacefull and Gempa almost forgot that he is a demon

"So peacefull...perhaps we could be friends...?But he doesn't seem to want me to be his friend...."Gempa thought

He laid on the bed doing nothing and was just thinking of what he should do next

"I don't want to leave,but I can't stay here forever....I don't even know him,I can't trust him....but at the same time,he also saved me and let me stay here...just what should I do...?"Gempa mumbled to himself

He stayed there for a few more minutes before he went outside to talk to Halilintar

"Maybe I should just ask him..."Gempa thought and took a deep breath before speaking


"Hm?"Halilintar slowly woke up and looked at him straight in the eyes"What?"

" said that I could stay here as long as I want right...?"


" it okay if I stay here forever time....?"Gempa asked hesitanly and was ready for a rejection

"I don't mind"Halilintar replied with no emotion in his voice

"It's okay if- wait you don't mind!?"Gempa asked in disbelief and was completely shocked

"Yeah,you can stay"Halilintar repeated

"Thank you so much!"Gempa said with a big smile on his face

Halilintar just hummed as respond and went back to sleep

"I can really stay!"Gempa thought to himself while his smile never dissappeared"Since I can stay here,I should atleast do something in return,but what can I do...?"

He thought for a while before deciding to help him with housework

"I could do the housework and get food too!"Gempa thought to himself"I will help him as much as I can!"

Gempa went inside the house and started to do any housework possible

A few hours passed and Halilintar woke up from his nap and went inside the house

"What the-"Halilintar said as he saw the clean house

The house has been dirty ever since Boboiboy died and the house seemed dead,but now it was sparkling clean,not a single dust and there was even a whole meal on the table

"Hey Halilintar,lunch is ready"Gempa said with a sweet smile on his face

"Did you do this all...?"Halilintar asked

"Yeah"Gempa said and scratched his unitchy cheek"Is it okay if I keep doing this...?"

"Sure....but you don't have to...."Halilintar replied

"It's okay,it's the least I could do for letting me stay here"Gempa replied

"If you insist..."Halilintar said and sat on th table to eat

"Pfew,I was already worried that he might hate it,because he likes it the way it is,but I guess not"Gempa thought to himself as he sighed in relief

Days passed and Gempa slowly but surely starting to lose his fear of Halilintar

One day it was raining and thundering heavily,to the point that Gempa wasn't even able to sleep,because it was to loud

He got thirsty and went to the kitchen to drink,but when he looked through the kitchen's window,he saw Halilintar sitting next to the grave while playing a guitar and singing

"What is he doing outside!?"Gempa thought and quickly went outside

"Hali!It's raining!Get in,you're gonna get sick and it's also dangerous!"Gempa shouted as he slowly got closer to Halilintar

It was hard for him to get closer due to the heavy rain and the strong wind

"I'm fine,get inside and leave me alone"Halilintar said

"I won't until you get inside!"Gempa refused and was now standing infront of him

"I will be fine"

"Fine,then I will just stay here until you get inside!"Gempa said and sat next to Halilintar

Halilintar looked at him and sighed at his stubborness

"You're really stubborn..."

"I know,but I don't want you to get sick"

"Do what you want,but I won't get inside"

"Alright,then I will just stay here"

They sat there for hours and the rain slowly started to dissappeared

"Hey Hali...?"


"Why dis you actually sit here even though it rained heavily?"

"Because he is afraid of thunder"

"He?The person in the grave?"


"May I know who this person is?I have been wondering who this person is,you seem to really like them"

"Yeah...he is my little brother Boboiboy"

"I see...what kind of person was he?"

"A sunshine"

"A sunshine?"

"He was always happy and he also had a kind soul....he never once hated me even though I was a demon and would often lose my temper...but he kept forgiving me and loving me...."Halilintar explained with a little smile on his face and a tear fell from his eyes

Seeing his tears,Gempa instinctly got closer and patted his back

"It's okay....he is in a safe place now..."Gempa said with a gentle tone

"I know....but I still hate it....I didn't want to lose him....he was still young..."

Gempa continued to comfort him as he told him the story and after a while Halilintar felt better and they went back inside

"He must've have been lonely....he lose his family....just like me....I guess we aren't that different,just the fact that he is a demon while I was a human..."Gempa thought to himself as he laid on the bed"I will do my best to cheer him up!He has been so nice to me,it's only fair that I treat him nicely,doesn't matter that he is a demon"
I hope you enjoyed

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