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I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me ^^
A week passed and none of them have seen the attacker ever since that day.They were now taking a break from renovating

"Do you think he has stopped?"Gempa asked

"I don't think so"Taufan replied"He might come back"

"You're right...we have to be always on guard"Gempa said

They looked at Halilintar's direction and smiled

"I'm glad that they are getting along well"Gempa said and Taufan agreed

Thorn was taking care of the rose bushes and making flowercrowns for Halilintar while Halilintar sat next to Boboiboy's grave and wore all of the flowercrowns that Thorn made

"I'm glad that Thorn isn't as afraid like when I first met him"Taufan said

"Yeah,he is making a great progress at defeating his trust issue"Gempa added

After a while they went to renovate the house again

"Just a bit more and we are done!"Taufan said happily

"Yeah,we did quiet a good job renovating it"Gempa added

"Can I really have my own room?"Thorn asked with sparkly eyes

They have been making the house bigger,so all of them would have their own room

"Ofcourse!"Taufan replied"And you can decorate it as much as you want!"

"Yay!I can't wait to decorate my room!"Thorn said and was super excited

"He is so adorable when he is happy"Gempa said

"Right?I can't believe that anyone would betray a cinammon roll like him"Taufan agreed

"Hali?Where are you going?"Gempa asked as he noticed Halilintar going away

"We ran out of fresh water,I'm gonna get more"Halilintar replied

"You can't go alone it's dangerous"Taufan said with worry in his tone

"I will be fine"

"Doesn't matter,we won't take any risk"Gempa said with a strict tone


"So who is going with Hali?"Taufan asked

"I can go with Hali!"Thorn said and went to Halilintar

"Alright,be careful you two"Gempa said

"We will!"Thorn said and waved

Ever since that night,Gempa and Taufan have become very protective of Halilintar and wouldn't let him go somewhere alone

"Are you okay Hali?You look annoyed"Thorn asked as they were on their way to the water source

"I'm fine...their protectiveness is just getting annoying"Halilintar replied"I don't understand why they are so protective"

"It's because they care about you"Thorn replied

"I'm not even their family members"Halilintar denied

"That doesn't matter.When you care about someone than you will want them to be safe and happy even if they are not blood related to you"Thorn explained

Halilintar just hummed as a respond and they continued their way without talking

They arrived and gathered fresh water.While they were doing that,they suddenly heard a tiger's roar.

"We should go,they might find us and attack us"Thorn suggested

Halilintar was gonna reply when they suddenly heard people screaming and fighting

"What should we do...?Should we help them or....?"Thorn asked

"Let's go will be annoying when they run towards our house"Halilintar replied

They went towards the noises and saw the attacker fighting with a group of hunters and tigers

"The attacker!"Thorn whispered-yelled

The attacker manage to kill the hunters and tigers,but he was seriously injured

"Hali-?"Thorn called him as he went towards the attacker and followed him

"Tch,are you going to take advantage of my weak state and kill me?"The attacker asked with a mocking tone

"No"Halilintar replied"Can you heal him Thorn?"

"Yes,but....he is our enemy...why should I help him....?"Thorn asked

"Just do it"

Thorn hesitated,but gave in and was gonna heal the attacker but he refused

"Stay away from me!I don't need your help!"The attacker shouted

Thorn looked at Halilintar giving him the 'what should I do?' look.Halilintar didn't say anything and just burned the dead body into ashes with his thunder

"What should I do???"Thorn thought to himself"He is injured badly and I want to help him....but...he hurted Hali and he might do it again when I heal him..."

Thorn thought for a moment and decided to heal him.He summoned some plants to hold the attacker body and healed him

"Let me go!"The attacker yelled,but Thorn ignored him

After healing him and getting rid of the dead bodies,Thorn and Halilintar went back home

"Why did they help me...?Don't they realized that I want to kill him?"The attacker thought and went to hide"Whatever,I won't change my mind"



"Why did you tell me to heal him when he tried to kill you?"

"I don't know....I guess it's because he remind me of someone..."


"My past self..."

" come...?"

"I also held a grudge towards my parents killer,but after I killed them...I realized that it was unnecessary.I guess I pitied him"

"But he tried to kill you?"

"I wanted him to kill me"


Thorn didn't say anything anymore and they both went home in silence

"He is so nice....even if he wanted to die,there was no real reason to really help him...he just simply pitied him....I wonder how his real personality would he act when his brother had never died?Would he had been more lively?"Thorn thought to himself
I'm sorry that it's short,I will try to make a longer chapter ^^

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