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I'm sorry for not updating motivation just dissappeared ;n;
Days passed and everything was great.Everyone got along,no suicidal,no danger. It was completely peacefull.

All of them took a trip to the city again.
They didn't have money---since they don't work---but luckily for them,Solar has some money and doesn't mind to share

"How come you have money?"Taufan asked with a judging tone"Did you steal it?"

Yes.yes,they still don't really get along.But they aren't fighting anymore so it's okay

"No I didn't.I work as an assassin"Solar revealed

"An assassin?So you also kill other people other than demons?"Taufan asked with a displeased tone

"I needed money okay?How else am I supposed to get my poison and weapons?"Solar replied

"Make your own?"Taufan suggested"And how come that's your answer?"

"It would take ages for me to make it on my own.I killed a lot pf people after all.And what do you mean,why that's my answer?"

"I don't know,food?"

"I can just find food in the forest"Solar simply answered

"Good point"

"Are you two done? I want to go to that store!"Blaze shouted from afar

He was standing in front of a toy store with Ice next to him(He has been dragging him around since they left the house)

"Coming!"The two of them shouted at the same time and went to them

"Where are the other?"Taufan asked

"They are buying drinks"Blaze replied and looked at Solar

Solar gave him some money and he ran inside the store while dragging Ice with him

"I don't know if I should be concerned or in awe,seeing him drag Ice like that...."Taufan thought to himself"It's adorable that Blaze take care of Ice and make sure that we won't lose Ice,but it's concerning that he is being dragged him...."

"Should we follow them or should we wait for the others?"Solar asked

"Let's wait"Taufan replied

They waited there without talking to each other and the atmosphere is getting akward

"Should I say something....?It so akward...."Taufan thought to himself

"Hey..."Solar suddenly broke the silent

"Yes?"Taufan replied

"For once I'm glad that he does something"Taufan thought

"I know that we didn't have a nice first meeting-"

"Our first meeting was the worse thing that could've happen"Taufan cut him off

"I know.As I was saying.We didn't have a nice meeting,but we are definetely gonna be stuck together.So why don't we just be friends?"

Taufan was gonna say something but Solar was quicker

"And before you refuse.I know that you hate me,but we both doesn't want anything to happen to Halilintar nor the other"

"Oh do we?"Taufan said sarcasticly

"I used to want to kill him,but I guarantee you that I don't want to hurt him anymore nor do I have any reason to hurt the other"Solar explained

"Fine...but I still don't trust you"Taufan agreed with a grumphy tone

"We're back!"Blaze shouted while holding Ice on one hand and a chicken plushy on the other hand

Ice was half-asleep and was hugging a whale plush while Blaze held onto his sleeve

"Did you get everything that you wanted?"Taufan asked and the two of them nodded

Not long after,the others came and they all went to the park to have a picnic

After a nice trip to the city

It was in the middle in the night when Thorn woke up to drink some water

"He is sitting there again..."Thorn mumbled to himself as he watched Halilintar from the window"He really loves him huh?"

Thorn eyes were filled with awe and jealousy as he continue watching

"How does it feel be to have someone that loves me as much as Halilintar does for his dead brother...?"

Thorn then shook his head and sighed

"I shouldn't think about can only hurt me if I have hope for it..."

Tears formed in his eyes and he quickly wiped it

"Why can't my family love me like he does for his brother?"Thorn mumbled while trying to stop crying

Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder and he almost jumped from surprise

"H-hali?"Thorn stuttered and wiped his tears,but it just keep coming,so he just lowered his head to hide his tears

"Why is he crying?"Halilintar thought and sighed before he wrapped his arms around Thorn and patted his back

Thorn hugged him back tightly and cried in his arms,letting all of his surpressed emotion out

"Why can't I be his brother?"Thorn thought as he embraced him tigher

After a while Thorn finally calmed down and went back to his room

"So embarrassing..."Thorn mumbled as covered his face with his hands

He then stared at the ceiling after calming down

A person that you give your trust to,should be someone that cares about you and I can't do that

"He will never be my brother...he said it himself...he can't love me..."

Thorn sighed and went to sleep,trying to forget his thoughts
I hope you enjoyed ^^

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