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Before you read.There are some disturbing scene with violance,so if you're uncomfortable please don't read it
"What do you mean he dissappeared!?"Blaze shouted

"I mean he is gone"Taufan replied in a panick tone

"Okay,calm down everyone"Gempa said in a calm tone, but there was a hint of worry in his voice"Fan,can you please tell me of what happened?"

Taufan explained that he had a nightmare so he went to check on Halilintar and met Solar in front of his door too. The two of them entered Halilintar's room,but he wasn't there. They already looked outside,but he wasn't there either

"I also had a nightmare...."Ice thought"Coincidence...?And what about Solar..?"

"Are you sure that you checked everywhere!?You know that Hali often goes outside at night"Blaze said in a panick voice

"Calm down"Solar said

"What do you mean calm down!?Hali is gone!"Blaze yelled

"I-"Solar couldn't finish his sentence when Blaze shouted again"It's easy for you to say since you wanted to kill him! But I don't!I want to be with him!"

"I know..."Solar thought"But not anymore..."

"Blaze please calm down.."Gempa said in a gentle tone,but it didn't help

"I wanted to tell you that I can track him down"Solar said in a calm tone

"And how?"Blaze said in a serious tone

"I sewed tracking devices in his clotches"Solar revealed

"Wait- you did what?"Gempa asked in disbelief

"Just for emergency. And Taufan gave me the idea"Solar said calmly and Gempa looked at Taufan

"About that..."Taufan said while laughing akwardly

"That's not important right now!"Blaze shouted before looking at Solar"Trace him down"

Solar quickly checked Halilintar's location at his computer,and was surprised to see that he was in a lab

"They must have catched him!"Blaze said in anger"Those bastards!"

He then proceed to storm outside towards the lab,along with Thorn

"Wait!You can't just go there like that!"Gempa yelled

"Watch me"Blaze said in an intimidating tone

"I won't let them take someone that I care away from me again!"Blaze thought

"Hali...please be safe..."Thorn thought as he followed Blaze without thinking it through

"We have to follow them!"Taufan said before going after them

"Wait-"Gempa said,but Taufan was already outside"We have no choice I guess..."He,Ice and Solar soon followed them

"They improved their security..."Gempa  said as he was the high and thick wall of stone with lightning fences around it

"We should make a pla-"Solar couldn't finish his sentence before Blaze broke the wall with his fist,covered in fire,making his fist bleed and the alarm goes on"Or we could also do that..."Solar sighed and ran inside since the other went inside too

"Unfair..."Ice mumbled as he walked inside,not bothering to run to catch up with them while freezing everyone and everything that comes towards him"He can hurt himself but I can't"He mumbled grumphily

"Get him!"Someone shouted and shot various of gunshots at Ice

"How tiring..."Ice said and summoned a wall of Ice around him,blocking all of the ammos

"Now it's my turn"Ice said with a malicious smile"This will be fun"

"He is back!He is- argh!!"The man fell to the ground as blood flow from his chest

"Bastard"Blaze keep repeating himself as he killed everyone that was in his way like a madman

"So much blood..."Gempa mumbled and placed a hand on his mouth

Go out

"H-huh..?"Gempa looked around,but found nothing but dead bodies"Did I hear it wrong...?"

Go out

"Again..."Gempa mumbled

Go out

"And again..."Gempa thought to himself"Should I listen...?No...I should follow the others,they might need my help"

"And I thought that I was a psychopath. But this,this is just disgusting"Solar thought as he looked at all of the dead bodies

Blood scattered all over the hallways and dead bodies all piled up at the sides.Some bodies were in tact,while some have broken skull,missing organs or bones sticking out of their skin.

Blaze killed them all bare handed...letting all of his rage out

"Where the hell is Halilintar!?"Blaze yelled loudly,so loud that you could hear him from the other side of the building

"Where is he..?"Thorn thought as he ran from room to room,checking if Halilintar was there while ignoring all of the people as if they weren't even there while Taufan protected him from their attacks and killing the enemies


"That voice!"Thorn mumbled"Is it trying to tell me something? It told me to wake up and Hali was gone..."

"W-who are you!?"Thorn shouted

"Who are you talking to?"Taufan asked in confusion


"Again!"Thorn said and looked at Taufan"Did you hear that?"

"Yeah!I heard that voice in my nightmare too!"Taufan said


"Wrong?What does it mean?"Taufan asked

"I don't know..."Thorn replied


"It keeps repeating itself"Taufan stated"I can't figure it out!"

"Maybe we should continue first?Maybe we will find out later?"Thorn guessed and Taufan agreed

"Pfft"Ice chuckled as he looked at all of the dead bodies"Funny"

"I feel so...alive"Ice mumbled and smiled happily"More than I ever was in my whole life"

"Ugh...I have to throw up..."Gempa thought as he saw the dead bodies

They were ripped apart.All of it---hand,fingers,head,legs---and they were all covered in ice

"I can't find him!"Blaze yelled in frustration"You said that he was here!"

"I know"Solar replied"I don't know what happened either"

"Guys!"Taufan shouted as he arrived with Thorn"Look at what we found!"

Taufan showed them a tracker that he had found on the way there

"They tricked us!"Taufan said

"Those bastard!"Blaze shouted

The speaker in the hallways suddenly turned on and said "You're alive.Congratulation!If you want your precious demons back,then come to forest××××.I'm waiting~"
A fast update since the last one was short :^

I hope you enjoyed^^
I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me ^^

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