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I'm sorry if there are any grammar mistake and feel free to correct me ^^
A week passed and since Taufan and Gempa decided that they would be his family,they asked him if they could maybe renovate the house and make it bigger,so Halilintar wouldn't sleep on the couch anymore.

"Sure I don't mind,as long as Boboiboy's room doesn't change a bit"Halilintar agreed

Gempa and Taufan started to renovate tha house and Halilintar also helped

"I never would have imagane that making a house bigger would be this easy"Taufan said as he lifted a wood plank with his power

"Well it easier since we have special ability"Gempa said as he hammered a nail through the plank

"Yeah,you're right"Taufan replied"By the way,where is Hali?"

"He said that he went to get water,but it's been a while now..."Gempa said with worry on his voice

"Let's go check,he could be in trouble"Taufan said and Gempa agreed

They both went to the water source near the lake and found Halilintar playing with a cat

"Oh?I didn't knew that he liked cats"Taufan said as he watched him from afar

"Me neither,but he looks really happy"Gempa replied

"You're right"Taufan said and they approached Halilintar"Hey Hali"

"Hm?What are you doing here?"Halilintar asked,but there was a tiny bit of red in his ears

"We wanted to check on you"Gempa replied

"Wait wait,did I just see red in his ear???"Taufan thought to himself"Suspisious,let me try something..."

"Hali do you like cats?"Taufan asked

"No"Halilintar denied

"Really?Then why were you playing with it then?"Taufan asked again

"The cat wanted to steal the bread that I had"Halilintar explained

"What bread?"Taufan asked and he became more suspicious

"He already ate it"


"I have no reason to lie"

"Hm...Alright if you say so..."

"Um...Taufan?"Gempa asked confused to why he suddenly started asking Halilintar about cats

"Gem,don't you think that the cat look really adorable?"Taufan asked

"Um...well yeah,it's cute"Gempa replied

"Hali can we keep it?"




"I thought you didn't like cat?"

"I don't"

"But you're okay with me bringing it back home?"


"Makes no sense to me"

"I just don't want you to annoy me when I refused"

"Really~"Taufan grinned and his tone became more teasing


"Alright if you say so~"

Halilintar raised a brow at his weird behaviour and went back home

"Tau?Why did you do that?"Gempa asked confused

"Didn't you see it Gem?"

"See what?"

"His ear!It was red before,just a little though"


"Yeah!I think he might be a shy person.He didn't even admit that he liked the cat"

"You do have a point.It could be"

Taufan giggled and took the cat in his arms"Well if he won't admit it,then I guess I will just take the cat and see for how long he can resist the cat~"Taufan said with a teasing tone and grinned

"Don't overdo it..."Gempa warned

"Don't worry Gem!I just wanna know him better~"Taufan replied and his grin became a michevious smile

"Why do I have a bad feeling..."Gempa thought to himself"I hope nothing goes wrong..."

And so,Taufan brought the cat home and took care of it.The cat had green fur and more than one tail while his body was covered in little thorns,so Taufan named him cactus,like the real cactus

"Isn't he cute!?"Taufan said and petted him

"Yeah he is"Gempa agreed and also petted the cat

"Hali don't you want to pet him~?"Taufan asked with a grin


"Come on~"


Taufan sighed and put cactus on Halilintar's lap.Halilintar looked at Taufan and gave him the 'what the hell are you doing' face

"Just pet him!"

"Fine..."Halilintar gave in and petted the cat

After a few second,Halilintar's lips slowly formed a small smile

"I knew it!"Taufan shouted victoriously

Halilintar realized that he just smiled and controlled his facial expression again

"Awww no need to hide it~Beside it's completely fine to be a cat lover!"Taufan said

"Yeah Taufan is right.There is nothing to be ashamed for"Gempa added

"I don't know what you're talking about..."Halilintar denied

Gempa and Taufan looked at each other before nodding in agreement as if they could read each other minds.They didn't even need to say a word and was already in agreement about what they should do next

They both left Halilintar and continued to renovate the house,leaving Halilintar with the cat alone

"What with their weird behaviour?"Halilintar thought to himself and petted the cat

Little does he know that the two of them are secretly watching him from afar

"Lol I knew it!"Taufan said"Now I know his personality!A tsundere!"

Gempa chuckled and agreed

The day passed and the next day has began.Taufan wanted to feed cactus when he noticed that he wasn't anywhere in the house,so he went outside to search for him

"Cactus where are you?"Taufan shouted,but there wasn't a sign of the cat anywhere

"Maybe he went to catch some food on his own?He is a wild cat afterall"Taufan thought to himself and went to the river

He didn't found him there either and went to search him on the hill behind the house

"Cactus are-"He stopped himself as he heard a noise"Cactus is that you?"

He went towards the noise and saw a boy playing with cactus

"Who are you!?"Taufan shouted and positioned himself in a 'ready to fight position'

I hope you enjoyed ^^

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