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They day ended and a new day began.Blaze was already getting along with everyone while Ice didn't even spoke a word unless someone asked him a question

"Is it just me or are they the complete opposite of each other?"Taufan asked

"No you're right,they really are the opposite of each other"Gempa replied

They both watched them as they interact with each other

Ice was sleeping on the ground while he hugged a pillow and Blaze was trying to persuade him to play with him

"Iceeeee wake uppppp!"Blaze shouted in his ear

Ice opened his eyes,looked at him and said 'sure'.Blaze was happy and was gonna say what they were gonna do when Ice suddenly froze him

"In your imagination"Ice added as he glared at him and went back to sleep

Blaze melted the Ice with his power and pouted

"Iceeee come on!Play with meeeee"he whined

"Play with someone else"

"But I want to play with youuuu"


"Because I want to have a snowball fight with you and you have Ice power sooo"





"I will give you snow but play with someone else"


Ice summoned a lot of snow,enough to make a hill of snow,before going back to sleep

"Let's play have a snowball fight!"Blaze said to the other

Everyone except Halilintar agreed and they had a snowball fight

Hours passed and the sky has turned dark.Everyone except Blaze and Ice were asleep

"Ice?You're awake too?"


"Welp,no wonder.You slept the entire day"

"I can sleep whenever I want"

"Then why are you awake?"

"I like to watch the sky...."

"Ohh,me too!Let's watch it together!"


They went outside,but Ice when towards the hill

"Where are you going?"


"I'm coming too!"

"Do what you want..."

As they arrived,they saw a boy sitting by the lake and watched the night sky

"Hello!"Blaze greeted happily

"'s you"The boy replied

"Eh?You know me?"


"Have we met before?"


"Then how do you know me?"

"I saw you..."

"You saw me?Are you one of them....?"Blaze cheerfull expression suddenly became serious

"I do not know who you are talking about"

"Then why were you watching me?"

"Not you"

meant to be togetherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora