Chapter Twelve - Denial & Frustrations

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Polly's POV

"STAY BACK!" I breathed heavily, raising my hand up in front of Serenity's face. She gently grabbed my hand as a reaction, putting it down so she could talk me down and tell me the truth. "Darling, you knew me in a different life. We were in love, a very very long time ago. I know this is all so confusing to you..."

"Confusing isn't the right word. Bullshit is the right word." I cut her off, before I got up from the bed and went over to a wardrobe, taking a black robe from it and put it on.  "Was Darcie in that life?" I asked her, "She wasn't born at that time, darling. It was just us." Serenity replied. "So, everything is a lie?" 

"Not quite..."

I then turned to her, while tying a knot in the belt of my robe. "Well, I now know where my dominance came from. It came from my old life. You obviously taught me how to behave in bed." I then said angrily, cutting her off again before I went over to the door, easily unlocking it and left the bedroom. That sentence shut her up. It might as well be true. I went into our normal bedroom, where Darcie was laying on the bed, her body exposed to me. 

"How did it..."

"I love you." I told Darcie, "More than anything in the world." 

I then untied my robe, letting it fall and pile up on the floor around my feet. I then climbed onto the bed, towards Darcie and leaned down, placing my lips against hers deeply and passionately, letting all of my frustrations float away. 

The next day, I woke up on top of Darcie, seeing what kind of state that we were in. I chuckled, accidentally waking her up. I watched her sit up, snaking her arms around me. "What happened in the date, butterfly?" she asked me, "I'll tell you later. I just want you right now." I replied, "Promise?"


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