Chapter Six - Miss Smart

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Polly's POV

"I didn't realise that you became an expert in blood moons. It's cute." Darcie told me, "It's not." I told her back, before I looked around for something defensive, not a weapon but something to hold...

"Tell me, have you ever felt lust before?" 

Immediately, I looked up to see Serenity standing behind Darcie, with her arms wrapped around her waist. She then chuckled once she saw my reaction. If she wants to play that game, fine. I was smarter than her anyway.

"Nope. I know exactly what you both are." I replied, "We are both what, exactly?" Serenity asked back, "Vampires. You always get what you want and let me tell you this, life doesn't work that way." I gave her a quick and short lesson on how life really works. "It looks like we have a goodie-two-shoes on our hands, baby. This will be fun." Darcie then joined in, speaking to Serenity. Baby? She calls her that? Really? Why?

I watched them come closer to me, causing me to back away from them and circled around them so that I was cornering them instead. I grabbed something wooden, bringing it up to my view. It wasn't sharp, it was just a normal piece of random useless wood. Serenity laughed at me, finding my attempt hilarious. I growled a little out of anger, then I reached for Darcie's hand, grabbing it gently but firm. "Darcie, wake up. This isn't you." I told her, trying to break through to her, watching her barely react, only blinking. 

"Darcie..." I tried again, but this time, she moved her hair to the side and revealed a faded bite mark. "What is it?" I asked her, "Butterfly, it's a mark. You can't separate me from her." she explained to me, "What about us, Darcie? Do you still love me?" I asked her the real question, "Of course I still love you. But, you have to stop resisting and let us take care of you." she replied, seeing Serenity nod in the corner of my eye, agreeing with that idea. 

"Try me." my last words to her were, before I turned around and ran upstairs, going into the 'out of bounds' bedroom and quickly closed the door behind me, locking it by turning a little lock under the door knob, going over to the nearest thing I could find to block the door with, which was a chair. That wasn't going to do anything but I was willing to risk it. 

An hour later, I was laying on the bed, staring at the black ceiling until I suddenly witnessed something paranormal. The was moving on it's own. 

I sat up, watching it move itself away from the door. I stood up from the bed slowly, walking over to the chair and grabbed it...until the 'ghost' revealed herself. 

"What the fuck, invisibility?!" 

"I know right? It's so cool!" 

I then let out a scream as soon as I saw Darcie's fangs for the first time. 

They looked like that they could kill me with one bite. 

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