Raven and Clarke turn to face each other, "Tell me you can do this." Clarke looks at Raven, she did not give her an answer. Then they got interrupted "hey they're back!" A female delinquent said. Bellamy walks in as Octavia lowers herself on the ladder from the second level and says "Bellamy!" Then they see Bellamy in front of his group, with two boys in back dragging Lincoln's unconscious body. Lincoln is dropped on the ground and Octavia walks up so does Jay "The hell are you doing?" She asked her brother. "It's time to get some answers." Jay scoffed and said "Oh you mean 'revenge?" Bellamy looked at the girl "I mean 'intel'." Then he turns to the boys who carried Lincoln "Get him upstairs." Clarke walks up to Bellamy "Bellamy, they're right." Bellamy then looks at her, angry.

There was radio noises are heard in background. "Clarke, okay we're ready. Can you hear me?" Her mother said over the radio. Bellamy then looks up, surprised at the radio noises. Clarke looks away too, with a bothered expression. She then turns back to Bellamy "Look, this is not who we are." Abby was heard in the radio again "Clarke?" Bellamy sighed and told the blonde "It is now." Then he walked to go to the ladder. Clarke went back to the radio and near Finn, "The blade is at a sharp upward angle. Between his sixth and seventh rib." She told her mother.

Octavia and Jay were standing near each other "we can let Bellamy hurt him, he saved me Jay" Jay nodded at the Blake girl "no I agree, he helped me too, I thought I was going to die in the woods but he saved me, and now we're going to save him, no matter what it takes, cmon" she told Octavia. Then they climbed up the ladder to where Bellamy, miller, the other delinquents and grounder were. They could hear Bellamy yell at them "Hey tie him! Tie him! Last thing we need is this bastard escaping because you screwed up!" Octavia and Jaycee see that the grounder tied up and is horrified.

Bellamy noticed the two girls "Octavia, angel, get out of here!" Octavia scoffed "we told you, he was protecting us. You didn't have to do this." Bellamy looked at his sister. "This isn't about you, I'm doing this for all of us." He then turned around. The girls looked at the grounder who saved them, lincoln's bloody and bruised face, they were very sad. Jay scoffed "You did that for all of us?" She asked the older Blake. Bellamy walked up to her "I did that for Finn and Jasper and John and Diggs and Roma." Jay looked at him "keep my brothers name out of this, you didn't even believe that he would make it! On the plus side, it wasn't even him." Jaycee told the idiot Blake.

The older Blake looked at the girl he grew fond of, he didn't want her mad at him but he thinks he's doing the right thing, he then looks at his younger sister "You don't know that! We need to know what we're up again. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us right now." Bellamy then turns around, facing the grounder. Octavia tried to grab Bellamy's arm but he just pushed her away "No, Bellamy, please!" Octavia pleaded. "Drew, Miller take them downstairs."

Jay just stood there, watching the grounder, him being there was reminding her of how the grounders had her, she wished she could do something. Drew and Miller grab Octavia but she wrestles free. Then they grab Jay but she shoves them off and climes down the ladder without trying. "I don't even think he speaks English, he won't understand you." She told her brother. "Oh I think he will." Bellamy whispered to himself as he was looking at the grounder.

After they climbed down the stairs they went to the bottom level to see if they can help anyway. Then they heard clarkes mother on the radio "Steady hand Clarke. You've eviscerated more procedures than this. Once that knife is out the hard part is over." Then lighting was even louder "alright extracting right now" she yelled to the radio. Raven looked at Finn and noticed he was regaining consciousness "he's waking up!" Raven yelled. Finn opens his eyes and starts grunting in pain.

"Jaycee Octavia! Help hold him still. Finn I'm gonna get that knife out of you, ok?" Finn looked at her "good plan" he said as he was in shock. Clarke looked at the boy "    Finn you can't move you got it?" He just nodded. "Hold still. I almost got it. Finn, hold still." Then the storm causes everyone to be thrown from where they are. "Clarke!" Her mother yelled. Clarke stands up and seems relieved, she is still holding the knife. Jay and Octavia looked at each other with happy faces "Clarke! Clarke! What's happening? Clarke, can you hear us? Clarke?" Her mother yelled worriedly "she did it! It's out!" Jaycee told the women.

The Unwanted Child {1}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें