Y'know, sometimes: all you need is a big leap of faith!


Here goes noth—

"Well, I didn't expect that.." The voice sounded faint. I could barley hear anything.

Though, I may be the son of Ao Guang.. I still don't like when there's water in my ears.

I could barley make out anything, the voice that I heard before said something else.

I felt myself get dragged..


I'm awake . . ?

Well duh, don't be an idiot.

I can't move...

. . .

I felt my body awaken, barley any energy went through but I felt a rush.

My eyes shot open.

"Ugh.." I grunted, bringing a hand to my face to rub my forehead.

I squinted my eyes. Trying to take in my surroundings.

A.. nurses office?

I used my elbow to push myself up.


"Hey.." someone spoke up, their voice was close..

Though, I didn't really acknowledge it.

"Hey there." They spoke again, Chuckling this time.

I finally opened my eyes wide enough to see the person possibly standing next to me.

A brunette girl? "Oh."

"Oh. Oh, um." I muttered, immediately sitting up and pushing myself out of bed.

I stuttered out a "hi."

Her eyebrows went up like she was scared.

"Wait, w-wait. Take it easy, take it easy." She frowned. "Uh.."

I furrowed my eyebrows and ran a hand through my NAVY BLUE hair..

"Hey? Um.." I stammered, still completely lost in thought.

"Hi!" She smiled fondly.

I could practically feel my brain fizzle from how confused I was. "I- um."

"Sorry I was just— um. Uh, just getting- uh, used to where.. this is uhm..." I trailed off.

English is not my forte...

NOSTALGIA  ?   -    S2Brakey fic  1) Obsessive!JakeyWhere stories live. Discover now