Intro: Unexpected Encounter

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This place is the periphery of Hell. The plain dirtied by mud and blood, the air is foul and poisonous, and it is surrounded by darkness and silence. Still, this place is a lot better than the Hell itself where there are fire everywhere, and screaming--a lot of screaming. Those screaming would do a very nice job of tearing one's eardrums.

There's a lake here, named Crystal Lake or The Lake of Purification. I am sent here once in a while to escort the spirits who has received their punishment and are ready to go to heaven. The spirits will get purified in Crystal Lake, and then an angel would guide them to heaven.

"Faster, you fool!" I snap at the spirit walking slowly behind me. It's a middle aged male with torn shirt and trousers. He's a total mess, one eye and several fingers are missing. And he's dragging one foot behind, like it's broken or something. 

"We're almost there." In the distant, we finally see a speck of light after we have traveled across an austere plain for hours. I could reach the lake faster if I fly, but I don't want to fly while carrying this bean bag. It'd be too tiring for me and too comfortable for him.

I stare at the light, feeling eager and excited. I can tell that the light is coming from an angel. I grin from ear to ear, wondering if the angel I am about to meet can be seduced to fall into the darkness of hell.

As we are getting closer, the white light is getting brighter, almost blinding. And then we're there. The angel that awaits us near the Crystal Lake is dressed in the purest white from head to toe. A pair of beautiful white wings spring from his back. His outline is perfect. Obviously, this beautiful creature has received so much love from God.

He gives a warm and gentle smile when he sees us. Of course I know that the smile is not for me, but for the poor spirit I bring along. I roughly kick the spirit forward, making him kneeling on the angel's feet. The angel raises him gently and with his clear voice says, "Come, dear wretched spirit... it is time to purify your soul, for you have received the punishment for all your sins.. You are now forgiven." and the spirit begins to weep.

"Pathetic!" I hiss when the spirit is led to enter the lake, to bathe himself with the pure water while the angel stand waiting. I approach the angel and talk to him in my seductive tone, "Say, how about a date with me after you've done your duty, dear angel the beloved son of God?"

Slowly, the angel turns his face towards me. A fair face that brings back the memories of my past. Before I realize it, I have already swarmed in rage that my chest seems to be burning. In one quick moment I draw my sword and without warning, slash it at the angel. But it miss the target because he reacts spontaneously and jumps backward to avoid my blow. I chase him and give another fierce blow. Once again it miss. "Coward! Don't runaway!" I shout, "Come and fight me, Cadfael!"

The angel is startled upon hearing his name being called. And I use the opening to give him a nasty cut across the chest. He yells painfully, his white robe stained by fresh blood. But it doesn't satisfy my rage; I jump forward to give him another cut. Cadfael quickly casts an astral barrier around him to block my attack. 'Clash!' as my sword meets his barrier, fire sparks emerge. 

I retreat, knowing instantly that no force of mine can bring down his defense. Hey, I might be hot-blooded, but I'm not an idiot. I know when to stop. "Coward!" I spit.

As I watch him furiously, Cadfael's heals himself. His rapid healing makes me angrier, but at least the blood stain can't clean itself. I smirk.

After his wound is healed, Cadfael looks at me in disbelief. "Angela...?" he calls my name hesitantly.

"Not anymore." I sneer, still holding my sword tightly. I will strike again whenever there's an opening.

Cadfael looks shocked. He examines me carefully. "How could you--"

"Become a demon?" I cut sharp, while spreading my bat-like wings to assure him. "Suicide. A one way ticket to Jahannam, the lowest layer of hell. They gave me a deal, after they're sick of torturing me." I laugh cynically.

Cadfael shakes his head. "It is not funny. And what did you commit suicide for?"

"Oh, I forgot. You died before I did." I say. "Well, do you remember telling me that Paul was a sinner and he'd be sent straight to hell? Well I went to find him."

"Are you saying that you committed suicide in order to be reunited with Paul? Angela, that's just-"

"Loyal." Again I cut him short. "Unlike you who betrayed him. It's your fault Paul got murdered! It's because you told the hitman where he was hiding!"

"You're foolish." Cadfael remains calm while I am fuming. I hate to see his emotionless face more than ever. I should have known that being an angel would make Cadfael worse. The angels seem to be able to massacre a whole village of sinners without even showing a bit of emotion in their faces. "It's not my fault." Cadfael defends himself, "I was telling the truth; you know I tell no lies. Paul shouldn't have kidnapped someone else's wife in the first place."

"He didn't kidnap her--they ran away because they fell in love with each other." I correct him.

"It's still a sin." Says Cadfael solemnly. How could he be so cold, Paul was his best friend too!

"You just didn't like seeing him happy!" I accuse him, "You envy him! How could you be an angel if you're envious??" for a split second, I swear I could see him winces when I mention the word 'envy.' So I guess I am right about that.

Cadfael ignores my accusation. Instead he glances behind his shoulder and says, "He's ready to go," referring to the spirit who has finished his bathing. I forget he exists. Cadfael looks back at me. "Do you still wish to fight me?" he asks.

I stare at him sharply. Somehow I lose my will to fight, but I still want to kill him. "Next time." I answer sternly, "Next time I will definitely kill you."

"Very well." Cadfael takes off his barrier. And as soon as he does that, I rush towards him and grab his neck with my free hand. My long and sharp nails cut his skin, making it bleed.

"Fool!" I hiss, "do you really think I wouldn't do this?" I tighten my grip. He chokes and coughs, but he doesn't show any sign of struggle. He just stares at me, his eyes wide. What's that I see in them? Shock? Fear? Or..curious?

"No." He manages to say firmly, "But I trust you."

I wince, scrutinizing his face. He means what he says, and I don't like it. With a growl I release him. "You disgust me. Pray that you wont have to see me again."

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