Chapter 36

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Ten hours after leaving Derek at the airport Meredith's flight finally touched down in London and she was met at the airport by her uncle and Thatcher's older brother Jack.

As soon as he saw Meredith he pulled her into a tight embrace. It was the first time she had ever seen tears in his eyes. He helped her with her luggage and when they got into the car Jack spoke his mind.

"I hope that bitch rots in jail," he said referring to Molly, "and as for your mother – I never thought much of her, but not to come to her husband's funeral..." Jack said still shaking his head in disbelief.

Jack had never liked Molly. He and Meredith seemed to be the only people in the world who could see through her. As for Ellis he tolerated the woman simply because his younger brother was besotted with her.

It took them nearly an hour before they arrived outside the terraced house that Meredith had called home until a few years ago. On the way there, Jack had explained that Thatcher's body would be taken straight to the funeral home and went through the funeral plans that he had organised so far.

As soon as Meredith opened the car door Jack's wife Anna opened the front door and walked down the front path and hugged her so tightly that oxygen was beginning to become an issue.

When Meredith walked into the house she could not help but smile.

Nothing had changed since she left. The walls were still the same colour and the furniture was still in the same place. She opened the door to the lounge and saw all her cousins and distant relations were there to welcome her home and pass on their condolences and although she was in a room full of people, Meredith had never felt more alone in her life.

It was early afternoon by the time everyone had left and Meredith was exhausted.

Jack had just informed her some of Thatcher's colleagues may be calling around later that evening after work.

"I have made your bed up for you Meredith," Anna said as she came into the kitchen and sat down at the table beside.

"Thanks," Meredith muttered as she tried to eat the salad that Anna had made for her.

"So when are we going to meet this boyfriend of yours, the hot shot surgeon?" Jack asked.

"Derek is in Seattle," Meredith whispered and cleared her throat.

"Your father couldn't stop boasting when he returned from his visit last year. My Meredith is dating a surgeon and they are building a house together," Jack said as he laughed at the memory.

"He's coming over for the funeral right?" Jack asked as he looked at his wife.

"I... he has a daughter to look after and... is very busy..." Meredith said trying to ignore the glances of her aunt and uncle "we had a... fight... I don't want to talk about it." Meredith said as she stood up.

"I'm going to go and lie down for a while, excuse me," Meredith said as she started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Go ahead dear, I'll be down here if you need anything," Anna said as she smiled at her niece.

"Thank you," Meredith said as she walked from the kitchen and walked up the stairs to her old room and closed the door.

Everything was still in the exact same place as she had left it. The same pictures were on the wall and when she opened the wardrobe the clothes that she had left behind were still there. She sat down on her bed – which was still as lumpy as she had remembered it. She lifted her cell phone out of her bag and switched it on.

The screen immediately flashed 'One Voice Message'.

"Meredith, I meant what I said, I will be there as soon as I can, I love you," Derek said down the answering machine.

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